Author: Lu Liu
Productive Colleagues
Liu, Lu, Bajaj, C., Deasy, Joseph, Low, Daniel A., Ju, Tao (2008): Surface Reconstruction From Non-parallel Curve Networks. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 27 (2) pp. 155-163.
Wacholder, Nina, Liu, Lu (2006): User preference: A measure of query-term quality. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57 (12) pp. 1566-1580.
Wacholder, Nina, Liu, Lu, Liu, Ying-Hsang (2006): Selecting books: a performance-based study. In: JCDL06: Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 2006, . pp. 337.
Muresan, Gheorghe, Cole, Michael, Smith, Catherine L., Liu, Lu, Belkin, Nicholas J. (2006): Does Familiarity Breed Content? Taking Account of Familiarity with a Topic in Personalizin. In: HICSS 2006 - 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 4-7 January, 2006, Kauai, HI, USA.
Muresan, Gheorghe, Smith, Catherine L., Cole, Michael, Liu, Lu, Belkin, Nicholas J. (2006): Detecting Document Genre for Personalization of Information Retrieval. In: HICSS 2006 - 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 4-7 January, 2006, Kauai, HI, USA.
Liu, Lu, Sun, Lifeng, Rui, Yong, Shi, Yao, Yang, Shiqiang (2008): Web video topic discovery and tracking via bipartite graph reinforcement model. In: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2008, . pp. 1009-1018.