Author: M. Lynne Markus


Publication period start: 2000
Number of co-authors: 21


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Steve Sawyer
Michael Tyworth
Christine B. Williams

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Michael Tyworth
Rolf T. Wigand
Steve Sawyer


Markus, M. Lynne, Tanis, Cornelis, Fenema, Paul C. van (2000): Multisite ERP Implementations. In Communications of the ACM, 43 (4) pp. 42-46.

El-Shinnawy, Maha, Markus, M. Lynne (1997): The Poverty of Media Richness Theory: Explaining People's Choice of Electronic Mail vs. Vo. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 46 (4) pp. 443-467.

Markus, M. Lynne (1994): Finding a Happy Medium: Explaining the Negative Effects of Electronic Communication on Soc. In ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 12 (2) pp. 119-149.

Soe, Louise L., Markus, M. Lynne (1993): Technological or Social Utility? Unraveling Explanations of Email, Vmail, and Fax Use. In The Information Society, 9 (3) pp. .

Markus, M. Lynne, Bikson, Tora K., El-Shinnawy, Maha M., Soe, Louise L. (1992): Fragments of Your Communication: Email, Vmail, and Fax. In The Information Society, 8 (4) pp. .

Markus, M. Lynne, Connolly, Terry (1990): Why CSCW Applications Fail: Problems in the Adoption of Interdependent Work Tools. In: Halasz, Frank (eds.) Proceedings of the 1990 ACM conference on Computer-supported cooperative work October 07 - 10, 1990, Los Angeles, California, United States. pp. 371-380.

Markus, M. Lynne, Bjoern-Andersen, Niels (1987): Power Over Users: Its Exercise By System Professionals. In Communications of the ACM, 30 (6) pp. 498-504.

Markus, M. Lynne (1983): Power, Politics, and MIS Implementation. In Communications of the ACM, 26 (6) pp. 430-444.

Blanchard, Anita L., Markus, M. Lynne (2002): Sense of Virtual Community-Maintaining the Experience of Belonging. In: HICSS 2002 , 2002, . pp. 270.

Brehm, Lars, Heinzl, Armin, Markus, M. Lynne (2001): Tailoring ERP Systems: A Spectrum of Choices and their Implications. In: HICSS 2001 , 2001, .

Christiaanse, Ellen, Markus, M. Lynne (2003): Participation in Collaboration Electronic Marketplaces. In: HICSS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 178.

Gelinas, Ulric J., Markus, M. Lynne (2005): The Standards Lens on IS Innovations-The Case of CPFR. In: HICSS 2005 - 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 3-6 January, 2005, Big Island, HI, USA.

Markus, M. Lynne, Banerjee, Probir, Ma, Louis C. K. (2002): Electronic Marketplaces in Hong Kong\'s Trading Industry. In: HICSS 2002 , 2002, . pp. 182.

Wigand, Rolf T., Steinfield, Charles W., Markus, M. Lynne (2005): Impacts of Vertical IS Standards: The Case of the US Home Mortgage Industry. In: HICSS 2005 - 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 3-6 January, 2005, Big Island, HI, USA.

Fedorowicz, Jane, Markus, M. Lynne, Sawyer, Steve, Tyworth, Michael, Williams, Christine B. (2006): Design principles for public safety response mobilization. In: Fortes, José A. B., MacIntosh, Ann (eds.) DG.O 2006 - Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research May 21-24, 2006, San Diego, California, USA. pp. 466-467.

Sawyer, Steve, Fedorowicz, Jane, Tyworth, Michael, Markus, M. Lynne, Williams, Christine B. (2007): A taxonomy for public safety networks. In: Cushing, Judith Bayard, Pardo, Theresa A. (eds.) DG.O 2007 - Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research May 20-23, 2007, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. pp. 240-241.

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