Author: Magnus Haake
Productive Colleagues
Lindstrom, P., Gulz, Agneta, Haake, Magnus, Sjodén, Bjorn (2011): Matching and mismatching between the pedagogical design principles of a math game and the . In J. Comp. Assisted Learning, 27 (1) pp. 90-102.
Gulz, Agneta, Haake, Magnus (2006): Design of animated pedagogical agents -- A look at their look. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64 (4) pp. 322-339.
Gulz, Agneta, Ahlner, Felix, Haake, Magnus (2007): Visual Femininity and Masculinity in Synthetic Characters and Patterns of Affect. In: Paiva, Ana, Prada, Rui, Picard, Rosalind W. (eds.) ACII 2007 - Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Second International Conference September 12-14, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. pp. 654-665.
Gulz, Agneta, Haake, Magnus (2006): Virtual Pedagogical Agents: Naturalism vs. Stylization. In: Gratch, Jonathan, Young, Michael, Aylett, Ruth, Ballin, Daniel, Olivier, Patrick (eds.) IVA 2006 - Intelligent Virtual Agents - 6th International Conference August 21-23, 2006, Marina Del Rey, CA, USA. pp. 455.