Author: Marilyn Lennon


An Interaction Designer with a background in Art and Design practice - currently a lecturer in Digital Media, creative technologies at the Limerick School of Art and Design. My Ph.D. is in the field of Interaction Design. Previously completed an Interactive Media from the University of Limerick, and an M.A. in Ceramics from The National College of Art and Design, Dublin.

To date, I have managed and worked on several research projects at the Interaction Design Centre at the University of Limerick, Ireland, in the area of Interaction Design. My particular interests are Interaction Design for Public Spaces and Health Informatics. From there I\'ve published journal, conference, and workshop papers as well as project reports and has obtained two patents and now a PhD.

My PhD explored how, in the case of the VisiBreath research project, expertise in Art and Design practice is used to support and facilitate participants in participatory design prototyping sessions.

Over approximatly the last ten years I\'ve tutored in Interaction Design, Human Computer Interaction and eLearning and in a broad range of Art and Design disciplines. I\'ve been responsible for students at a number of international Interaction Design events including the Siena Design Project, Italy \'03 and 04, the Convivio International Summer Schools, Romainia and Sweden \'05 and \'07 and Split Interactions, Interaction Design workshop, Croatia \'08.

My specialties include Art and Design theory and practice, user activity research, contextual research, Ideation of innovative design concepts, low-tech/fidelity to medium fidelity prototype generation, project management and user centered evaluation. Research interests include Interaction Design theories and techniques, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Participatory Design, ubiquitous technologies, interactive environments and tangible interfaces, health informatics and education..


Publication period start: 2006
Number of co-authors: 5


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Tony Hall
Liam Bannon
Luigina Ciolfi

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Tony Hall
Luigina Ciolfi
Liam Bannon


Lennon, Marilyn, Bannon, Liam, Ciolfi, Luigina (2006): Space to reflect: combinatory methods for developing student interaction design projects i. In CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, 2 (2) pp. 53-69..

Ferris, Kieran, Bannon, Liam, Ciolfi, Luigina, Gallagher, Paul, Hall, Tony, Lennon, Marilyn (2004): Shaping experiences in the hunt museum: a design case study. In: Proceedings of DIS04: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 2004, . pp. 205-214.

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