Author: Mark Howard


Publication period start: 2007
Number of co-authors: 9


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Victoria Bellotti
Nicolas Ducheneaut
Ian Smith

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Bertrand Meyer
Victoria Bellotti
Rebecca E. Grinter


Bellotti, Victoria, Ducheneaut, Nicolas, Howard, Mark, Smith, Ian, Grinter, Rebecca E. (2005): Quality Versus Quantity: E-Mail-Centric Task Management and Its Relation With Overload. In Human-Computer Interaction, 20 (1) pp. 89-138.

Bellotti, Victoria, Ducheneaut, Nicolas, Howard, Mark, Smith, Ian (2003): Taking email to task: the design and evaluation of a task management centered email tool. In: Cockton, Gilbert, Korhonen, Panu (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2003 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 5-10, 2003, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. pp. 345-352.

Bellotti, Victoria, Ducheneaut, Nicolas, Howard, Mark, Neuwirth, Christine, Smith, Ian, Smith, Trevor (2002): FLANNEL: adding computation to electronic mail during transmission. In: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology October 27-30, 2002, Paris, France. pp. 1-10.

Bellotti, Victoria, Ducheneaut, Nicolas, Howard, Mark, Smith, Ian, Neuwirth, Christine (2002): Innovation in extremis: evolving an application for the critical work of email and informa. In: Proceedings of DIS02: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 2002, . pp. 181-192.

Leitner, Andreas, Ciupa, Ilinca, Meyer, Bertrand, Howard, Mark (2007): Reconciling Manual and Automated Testing: The AutoTest Experience. In: HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 261.

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