Author: Mary Jane Irwin
Productive Colleagues
Boisvert, Ronald F., Irwin, Mary Jane (2006): Plagiarism on the rise. In Communications of the ACM, 49 (6) pp. 23-24.
Kim, Nam Sung, Austin, Todd M., Blaauw, David, Mudge, Trevor N., Flautner, Krisztián, Hu, Jie S., Irwin, Mary Jane, Kandemir, Mahmut T., Vijaykrishnan, Narayanan (2003): Leakage Current: Moore\'s Law Meets Static Power. In IEEE Computer, 36 (12) pp. 68-75.
Irwin, Mary Jane, Owens, Robert Michael (1987): Digit-Pipelined Arithmetic as Illustrated By the Paste-Up System: A Tutorial. In IEEE Computer, 20 (4) pp. 61-73.
Borah, Manjit, Nagendra, Chetana, Owens, Robert Michael, Irwin, Mary Jane (1994): The MGAP: A High Performance, User Programmable, Multifunctional Architecture for DS. In: HICSS 1994 , 1994, . pp. 96-104.