Author: Matthias Hemmje


Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 14


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Paul Landwich
Mark E. Rorvig
Claus-Peter Klas

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Claus-Peter Klas
Mark E. Rorvig
Monica Bordegoni


Huang, Lieming, Ulrich, Thiel, Hemmje, Matthias, Neuhold, Erich (2001): Adaptively Constructing the Query Interface for Meta-Search Engines. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 97-100.

Rorvig, Mark E., Hemmje, Matthias (1999): Conference Notes - 1996: Foundations of Advanced Information Visualization for Visual Info. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 50 (9) pp. 835-837.

Bordegoni, Monica, Hemmje, Matthias (1993): A Dynamic Gesture Language and Graphical Feedback for Interaction in a 3D User Interface. In Comput. Graph. Forum, 12 (3) pp. 1-11.

Hemmje, Matthias, Kunkel, Clemens, Willett, Alexander (1994): LyberWorld -- A Visualization User Interface Supporting Fulltext Retrieval. In: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 1994, . pp. 249-259.

Hemmje, Matthias (1995): LyberWorld: A 3D Graphical User Interface for Fulltext Retrieval. In: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 1995, . pp. 361-362.

Rorvig, Mark E., Hemmje, Matthias (1996): Foundations of Advanced Information Visualization for Information Retrieval Systems. In: Proceedings of the 19th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 1996, . pp. 343.

Muscogiuri, Claudio, Jaeschke, Gerald, Paradiso, Aldo, Hemmje, Matthias (2002): FAIRWIS: An Integrated System Offering Trade Fair Web-Based Information Services - An R&D . In: HICSS 2002 , 2002, . pp. 307.

Heutelbeck, Dominic, Hemmje, Matthias (2006): A Peer-to-Peer Data Structure for Dynamic Location Data. In: PerCom 2006 - 4th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 13-17 March, 2006, Pisa, Italy. pp. 264-268.

Meiller, Dieter, Hemmje, Matthias, Klas, Claus-Peter (2012): Aesthetic visualisation of information: optimization of graph representations. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces , 2012, . pp. 653-656.

Landwich, Paul, Klas, Claus-Peter, Hemmje, Matthias (2012): Supporting user of information retrieval systems by visualizing the information dialog con. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces , 2012, . pp. 669-672.

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