Author: Melody Y. Ivory


Publication period start: 2002
Number of co-authors: 15


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Amelia Lacenski
Rodrick Megraw
Marti A. Hearst

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Aline Chevalier
Marti A. Hearst
Richard E. Ladner


Ivory, Melody Y., Megraw, Rodrick (2005): Evolution of web site design patterns. In ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 23 (4) pp. 463-497.

Chevalier, Aline, Ivory, Melody Y. (2003): Web site designs: Influences of designer's expertise and design constraints. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 58 (1) pp. 57-87.

Ivory, Melody Y. (2003): Leonardo\'s Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54 (10) pp. 977-979.

Ivory, Melody Y., Hearst, Marti A. (2002): Statistical profiles of highly-rated web sites. In: Terveen, Loren (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2002 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 20-25, 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota. pp. 367-374.

Ivory, Melody Y., Hearst, Marti A. (2002): Improving Web Site Design. In IEEE Internet Computing, 6 (2) pp. 56-63.

Ivory, Melody Y., Sinha, Rashmi R., Hearst, Marti A. (2001): Empirically Validated Web Page Design Metrics. In: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel, Jacob, Robert J. K. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2001 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 31 - April 5, 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 53-60.

Ladner, Richard E., Ivory, Melody Y., Rao, Rajesh, Burgstahler, Sheryl, Comden, Dan, Hahn, Sangyun, Renzelmann, Matthew, Krisnandi, Satria, Ramasamy, Mahalakshmi, Slabosky, Beverly, Martin, Andrew, Lacenski, Amelia (2005): Automating tactile graphics translation. In: Seventh Annual ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies , 2005, . pp. 150-157.

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