Author: Meng-Han Lee
Publication period start: 2011
Number of co-authors: 6
Number of
publications with favourite co-authors
Productive Colleagues
Most productive
colleagues in number of publications
- Neng-Hao Yu
- Mike Y. Chen
- Yi-Ping Hung
- 4
- 14
- 20
Yu, Neng-Hao, Tsai, Sung-Sheng, Hsiao, I-Chun, Tsai, Dian-Je, Lee, Meng-Han, Chen, Mike Y., Hung, Yi-Ping (2011): Clip-on gadgets: expanding multi-touch interaction area with unpowered tactile controls. In: Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology , 2011, . pp. 367-372.