Author: Michael A. Terry
Productive Colleagues
- Kumiyo Nakakoji
- Kent Lyons
- Elizabeth D. Mynatt
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- 23
- 71
Terry, Michael A., Mynatt, Elizabeth D., Nakakoji, Kumiyo, Yamamoto, Yasuhiro (2004): Variation in element and action: supporting simultaneous development of alternative soluti. In: Dykstra-Erickson, Elizabeth, Tscheligi, Manfred (eds.) Proceedings of ACM CHI 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 24-29, 2004, Vienna, Austria. pp. 711-718.
Terry, Michael A., Mynatt, Elizabeth D. (2002): Side views: persistent, on-demand previews for open-ended tasks. In: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology October 27-30, 2002, Paris, France. pp. 71-80.
Terry, Michael A., Mynatt, Elizabeth D. (2002): Supporting experimentation with Side-Views. In Communications of the ACM, 45 (10) pp. 106-108.
Mamykina, Lena, Mynatt, Elizabeth D., Terry, Michael A. (2001): Time Aura: Interfaces for Pacing. In: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel, Jacob, Robert J. K. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2001 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 31 - April 5, 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 144-151.
Huang, Elaine M., Terry, Michael A., Mynatt, Elizabeth D., Lyons, Kent, Chen, Alan (2002): Distributing Event Information by Simulating Word-of-Mouth Exchanges. In: Paterno, Fabio (eds.) Mobile Human-Computer Interaction - 4th International Symposium - Mobile HCI 2002 September 18-20, 2002, Pisa, Italy. pp. 60-68.
Mamykina, Lena, Miller, Andrew D., Grevet, Catherine, Medynskiy, Yevgeniy, Terry, Michael A., Mynatt, Elizabeth D., Davidson, Patricia R. (2011): Examining the impact of collaborative tagging on sensemaking in nutrition management. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 657-666.
Lafreniere, Benjamin, Bunt, Andrea, Lount, Matthew, Krynicki, Filip, Terry, Michael A. (2011): AdaptableGIMP: designing a socially-adaptable interface. In: Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology , 2011, . pp. 89-90.