Author: Michael J. Shaw
Productive Colleagues
- Judith Gebauer
- Ting-Peng Liang
- Fu-Ren Lin
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Chang, Hsin-Lu, Easley, Robert F., Shaw, Michael J. (2009): Market Model-Based Channel Selection in B2B E-Commerce: Exploring a Buyer's Adoption Decis. In Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 19 (4) pp. 237-264.
Gentry, James A., Shaw, Michael J., Tessmer, Antoinette C., Whitford, David T. (2002): Using Inductive Learning to Predict Bankruptcy. In Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 12 (1) pp. 39-57.
Schlueter, Christoph, Shaw, Michael J. (2002): Emergent patterns of integration in electronic channel systems. In Communications of the ACM, 45 (12) pp. 50-55.
Baron, John P., Shaw, Michael J., Bailey, Andrew D. (2000): Web-based E-catalog systems in B2B Procurement. In Communications of the ACM, 43 (5) pp. 93-100.
King, Ruth C., Shaw, Michael J. (1999): Information Infrastructure for Enterprise Coordination and Integration: Introduction to th. In Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 9 (1) pp. 1-5.
Lin, Fu-Ren, Tan, Gek Woo, Shaw, Michael J. (1999): Multiagent Enterprise Modeling. In Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 9 (1) pp. 7-32.
Schlueter, Christoph, Shaw, Michael J. (1997): A Strategic Framework for Developing Electronic Commerce. In IEEE Internet Computing, 1 (6) pp. 20-28.
Gebauer, Judith, Shaw, Michael J., Lin, Fu-Ren (2005): Mini Track: \'Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce\'. In: HICSS 2005 - 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 3-6 January, 2005, Big Island, HI, USA.
Gebauer, Judith, Shaw, Michael J., Lin, Fu-Ren (2006): Minitrack Introduction. In: HICSS 2006 - 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 4-7 January, 2006, Kauai, HI, USA.
Gebauer, Judith, Shaw, Michael J., Segev, Arie (2001): Business to Business E-Commerce - Minitrack Introduction. In: HICSS 2001 , 2001, .
Gebauer, Judith, Shaw, Michael J., Segev, Arie (2002): Minitrack Introduction. In: HICSS 2002 , 2002, . pp. 164.
Gebauer, Judith, Shaw, Michael J., Zhao, Kexin (2003): The Efficacy of Mobile e-Procurement: A Pilot Study. In: HICSS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 179.
Lin, Fu-Ren, Gebauer, Judith, Shaw, Michael J. (2004): Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce: Minitrack Introduction. In: HICSS 2004 , 2004, .
Liang, Ting-Peng, Shaw, Michael J., Wei, Chih-Ping (2000): Managing Information on the Web - Introduction. In: HICSS 2000 , 2000, .
Liang, Ting-Peng, Shaw, Michael J., Wei, Chih-Ping (2001): Managing Information on the Web - Minitrack Introduction. In: HICSS 2001 , 2001, .
Liang, Ting-Peng, Shaw, Michael J., Wei, Ching-Ping (2002): Minitrack Introduction. In: HICSS 2002 , 2002, . pp. 199.
Liang, Ting-Peng, Shaw, Michael J., Wei, Chih-Ping (1999): Introduction. In: HICSS 1999 , 1999, .
Liang, Ting-Peng, Shaw, Michael J., Wei, Chih-Ping (1999): A Framework for Managing Web Information: Current Research and Future Directions. In: HICSS 1999 , 1999, .
Lin, Fu-Ren, Tan, Gek Woo, Shaw, Michael J. (1998): Modeling Supply-Chain Networks by A Multi-Agent System. In: HICSS 1998 , 1998, . pp. 105-114.
Lin, Fu-Ren, Gebauer, Judith, Shaw, Michael J. (2007): Introduction to the Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce Minitrack. In: HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 142.