Author: Michael R. Genesereth
Productive Colleagues
Kassoff, Michael, Petrie, Charles J., Zen, Lee-Ming, Genesereth, Michael R. (2009): Semantic Email Addressing: The Semantic Web Killer App?. In IEEE Internet Computing, 13 (1) pp. 48-55.
Genesereth, Michael R., Ketchpel, Steven P. (1994): Software Agents. In Communications of the ACM, 37 (7) pp. 48-53,147.
Cutkosky, Mark R., Engelmore, Robert S., Fikes, Richard, Genesereth, Michael R., Gruber, Thomas R., Mark, William S., Tenenbaum, Jay M., Weber, Jay C. (1993): PACT: An Experiment in Integrating Concurrent Engineering Systems. In IEEE Computer, 26 (1) pp. 28-37.
Huyn, Nam, Genesereth, Michael R., Letsinger, Reed (1993): Automated Concurrent Engineering in Designworld. In IEEE Computer, 26 (1) pp. 74-76.
Genesereth, Michael R., Ginsberg, Matthew L. (1985): Logic Programming. In Communications of the ACM, 28 (9) pp. 933-941.