Author: Michael Wolfe
Publication period start: 1986
Number of co-authors: 4
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Padua, David A., Wolfe, Michael (1986): Advanced Compiler Optimizations for Supercomputers. In Communications of the ACM, 29 (12) pp. 1184-1201.
Stoltz, Eric, Gerlek, Michael P., Wolfe, Michael (1994): Extended SSA With Factored Use-Def Chains to Support Optimization and Parallelism. In: HICSS 1994 , 1994, . pp. 43-53.
Wolfe, Michael, Ikei, Mitsuru (1994): Automatic Array Alignment for Distributed Memory Multicomputers. In: HICSS 1994 , 1994, . pp. 23-32.