Author: Michelle M. Robertson


Publication period start: 1999
Number of co-authors: 17


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Marie Robinson
Gunilla Bradley
Andrew S. Imada

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Andrew S. Imada
Ann Majchrzak
Hal W. Hendrick


Imada, Andrew S., Robertson, Michelle M. (1987): Cultural Perspectives in Participatory Ergonomics. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 31st Annual Meeting , 1987, . pp. 1019-1022.

Robertson, Michelle M., Majchrzak, Ann (1987): Advanced Manufacturing Technology Development: A Macroergonomics Perspective. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 31st Annual Meeting , 1987, . pp. 1156-1160.

Lewis, Howard B., Imada, Andrew S., Robertson, Michelle M. (1988): Xerox Leadership Through Quality: Merging Human Factors and Safety Through Employee Partic. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting , 1988, . pp. 756-759.

Robertson, Michelle M., Giovanni, Eric P. Di (1989): Training: An Essential Aspect of Human Factors in Technology Transfer to Developing Countr. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting , 1989, . pp. 752-756.

Robertson, Michelle M. (1989): The Application of Microcomputers to Human Factors Undergraduate and Graduate Training Pro. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting , 1989, . pp. 1162.

Robertson, Michelle M. (1991): Macroergonomic Tools & Strategies: An International Overview. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 35th Annual Meeting , 1991, . pp. 925-929.

Taylor, James, Robertson, Michelle M., Helmreich, Robert L., Kanki, Barbara, Diehl, Alan, Sherman, Paul J. (1992): New Directions of Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) Training. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 36th Annual Meeting , 1992, . pp. 895-896.

Hendrick, Hal W., O\'Neill, Michael J., Robertson, Michelle M., Brown, Ogden (1994): A Systems Approach to Preventing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in VDT Work. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 38th Annual Meeting , 1994, . pp. 418.

Robertson, Michelle M. (1994): Designing VDT Operator Training Programs for Preventing Work Related Musculoskeletal Disor. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 38th Annual Meeting , 1994, . pp. 429-433.

Robertson, Michelle M., Taylor, James C., Stelly, John W., Wagner, Robert (1994): Evaluating a Maintenance Crew Resource Management Training Program: Effects on Attitudes, . In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 38th Annual Meeting , 1994, . pp. 1242-1246.

Robertson, Michelle M., Robinson, Marie (1995): Enhancing User Control of VDT Work Environments: Training as the Vehicle. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 39th Annual Meeting , 1995, . pp. 417-421.

Robertson, Michelle M., Bradley, Gunilla (1997): Competence Development in Ten High Tech Companies in Silicon Valley. In: Salvendy, Gavriel, Smith, Michael J., Koubek, Richard J. (eds.) HCI International 1997 - Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Volume 1 August 24-29, 1997, San Francisco, California, USA. pp. 355-359.

Robertson, Michelle M. (2007): Health and Performance Consequences of Office Ergonomic Interventions Among Computer Worke. In: Dainoff, Marvin J. (eds.) EHAWC 2007 - Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work with Computers July 22-27, 2007, Beijing, China. pp. 135-143.

Robertson, Michelle M. (1997): A Model for Ergonomics Training Evaluation. In: Smith, Michael J., Salvendy, Gavriel, Koubek, Richard J. (eds.) HCI International 1997 - Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Volume 2 August 24-29, 1997, San Francisco, California, USA. pp. 133-138.

Robertson, Michelle M. (1999): Office Ergonomic Interventions. In: Bullinger, Hans-Jorg (eds.) HCI International 1999 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 22-26, 1999, Munich, Germany. pp. 205-210.

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