
Publication period start: 2013
Number of co-authors: 61


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Michael Grossniklaus
Nadir Weibel
Beat Signer

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Norbert Fuhr
Beat Signer
Abigail Sellen


Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2010): A Model and Architecture for Open Cross-Media Annotation and Link Services. In Information Systems, 0 (0) pp. .

Signer, Beat, Spindler, Alexandre de, Norrie, Moira C. (2009). A Peer-to-Peer-based Distributed Link Service Architecture.

Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat, Grossniklaus, Michael, Belotti, Rudi, Decurtins, Corsin, Weibel, Nadir (2007): Context-Aware Platform for Mobile Data Management. In Journal on Wireless Networks (WINET), 0 (0) pp. .

Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C., Kurmann, Ueli (2007). iGesture: A Java Framework for the Development and Deployment of Stroke-Based Online Gestu. Technical Report ETH Zurich, TR561

Signer, Beat, Grossniklaus, Michael, Norrie, Moira C. (2007): Interactive Paper as a Mobile Client for a Multi-Channel Web Information System. In World Wide Web Journal (WWW), 10 (4) pp. .

Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat (2005): Information Server for Highly-Connected Cross-Media Publishing. In Information Systems, 30 (7) pp. .

Decurtins, Corsin, Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat (2003): Putting the Gloss on Paper: A Framework for Cross-Media Annotation. In New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 9 (0) pp. 35-57.

Ignat, Claudia-Lavinia, Norrie, Moira C. (2004): Grouping in collaborative graphical editors. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW04 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2004, . pp. 447-456.

Ignat, Claudia-Lavinia, Norrie, Moira C. (2006): Draw-together: graphical editor for collaborative drawing. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW06 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2006, . pp. 269-278.

Ignat, C.-L., Norrie, Moira C. (2003): Customizable collaborative editor relying on treeOPT algorithm. In: Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2003, . pp. 315-334.

Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2003): Multi-layered cross-media linking. In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext , 2003, . pp. 106-107.

Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2007): PaperPoint: A Paper-Based Presentation and Interactive Paper Prototyping Tool. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction , 2007, . pp. 57-64.

Ravasio, Pamela, Vukelja, Ljiljana, Rivera, Gabrio, Norrie, Moira C. (2003): Project InfoSpace: From Information Managing to Information Representation. In: Proceedings of IFIP INTERACT03: Human-Computer Interaction , 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. pp. 864.

Belotti, Rudi, Decurtins, Corsin, Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat, Vukelja, Ljiljana (2005): Experimental Platform for Mobile Information Systems. In: Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking August 28-September 2, 2005, Cologne, Germany. pp. 258-269.

Signer, Beat, Erni, Antonia, Norrie, Moira C. (2000): A Personal Assistant for Web Database Caching. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering June 5-9, 2000, Stockholm, Sweden. pp. 64-78.

Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C., Grossniklaus, Michael, Belotti, Rudi, Decurtins, Corsin, Weibel, Nadir (2006): Paper-Based Mobile Access to Databases. In: Demo Proceedings the SIGMOD 2006 International Conference Management of Data June 26-29, 2006, Chicago, USA. pp. 763-765.

Lombardoni, Andrea, Norrie, Moira C., Weibel, Nadir, Vogelsang, Axel, Althaus, Mathias (2005): A Systematic Approach to the Development of E-Commerce Sites for Mass Customization. In: Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (EEE March 29 - April 1, 2005, Hong Kong, China. pp. 246-249.

Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat, Weibel, Nadir (2006): Print-n-Link: Weaving the Paper Web. In: Proceedings of DocEng 2006, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering October 10-13, 2006, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 34-43.

Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat, Weibel, Nadir (2006): General Framework for the Rapid Development of Interactive Paper Applications. In: Proceedings of CoPADD 2006, Workshop on Collaborating over Paper and Digital Documents November 4, 2006, Banff, Canada.

Grossniklaus, Michael, Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat, Weibel, Nadir (2006): Putting Location-Based Services on the Map. In: Proceedings of W2GIS 2006, 6th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems December 4-5, 2006, Hong Kong, China. pp. 1-11.

Weibel, Nadir, Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat (2007): A Model for Mapping between Printed and Digital Document Instances. In: Proceedings of DocEng 2007, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering August 28-31, 2007, Winnipeg, Canada.

Grossniklaus, Michael, Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat, Weibel, Nadir (2007): Producing Interactive Paper Documents based on Multi-Channel Content Publishing. In: Grossniklaus, Michael (eds.) Proceedings of AXMEDIS 2007, 3rd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution November 28-30, 2007, Barcelona, Spain.

Weibel, Nadir, Signer, Beat, Ponti, Patrick, Norrie, Moira C. (2007): PaperProof: A Paper-Digital Proof-Editing System. In: Signer, Beat, Ponti, Patrick (eds.) Proceedings of CoPADD 2007, 2nd Workshop on Collaborating over Paper and Digital Documents November 9, 2007, London, UK.

Norrie, Moira C., Palinginis, Alexios, Signer, Beat (2005): Content Publishing Framework for Interactive Paper Documents. In: Proceedings of DocEng 2005, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering November, 2005, Bristol, United Kingdom.

Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2005): A Framework for Cross-media Information Management. In: Proceedings of EuroIMSA 2005, International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications February, 2005, Grindelwald, Switzerland.

Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat (2005): Overlaying Paper Maps with Digital Information Services for Tourists. In: Proceedings of ENTER 2005, 12th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel and Tourism January, 2005, Innsbruck, Austria.

Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat (2003): Switching over to Paper: A New Web Channel. In: Proceedings of WISE 2003, 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering December, 2003, Rome, Italy.

Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C., Geissbuehler, Peter, Heiniger, Daniel (2002): Aural Interfaces to Databases based on VoiceXML. In: Proceedings of VDB6, 6th IFIP Working Conference on Visual Database Systems May, 2002, Brisbane, Australia.

Kobler, Adrian, Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat, Grossniklaus, Michael (2001): OMS Java: Providing Information, Storage and Access Abstractions in an Object-Oriented Fra. In: Proceedings of OOIS 2002, 7th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems August, 2001, Calgary, Canada.

Signer, Beat, Grossniklaus, Michael, Norrie, Moira C. (2001): Java Framework for Database-Centric Web Engineering. In: Proceedings of WebE 2001, 4th Workshop on Web Engineering, In conjunction with 10th World Wide Web Conference May, 2001, Hong Kong.

Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat (2002): Web-Based Integration of Printed and Digital Information. In: Proceedings of DiWeb 2, 2nd Workshop on Data Integration over the Web May, 2002, Toronto, Canada.

Decurtins, Corsin, Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat (2003): Digital Annotation of Printed Documents. In: Proceedings of CIKM 2003, 12th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management November, 2003, New Orleans, USA.

Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat (2003): Issues of Information Semantics and Granularity in Cross-Media Publishing. In: Proceedings of CAiSE 2003, 15th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering June, 2003, Klagenfurt/Velden, Austria.

Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C., Geissbuehler, Peter, Heiniger, Daniel (2002): Telephone Interface for Avalanche Warnings based on Information Server for Adaptable Conte. In: Proceedings of Pervasive 2002, International Conference on Pervasive Computing August, 2002, Zurich, Switzerland.

Signer, Beat, Kurmann, Ueli, Norrie, Moira C. (2007): iGesture: A General Gesture Recognition Framework. In: Proceedings of ICDAR 2007, 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition September, 2007, Curitiba, Brazil.

Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2007): As We May Link: A General Metamodel for Hypermedia Systems. In: Proceedings of ER 2007, 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling November, 2007, Auckland, New Zealand.

Springmann, Michael, Ispas, Adriana, Schuldt, Heiko, Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat (2007): Towards Query by Sketch, Second DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries. In: Second DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries December, 2007, Pisa, Italy.

Decurtins, Corsin, Norrie, Moira C., Reuss, Elke, Weibel, Nadir (2008): Context-aware Peripheral News and Awareness Display. In: IE 2008, 4th International Conference on Intelligent Environments July, 2008, Seattle, USA.

Spindler, Alexandre de, Norrie, Moira C., Grossniklaus, Michael, Signer, Beat (2006): Spatio-Temporal Proximity as a Basis for Collaborative Filtering in Mobile Environments. In: UMICS 2006, Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems June, 2006, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Agosti, Maristella, Beretti, Stefano, Brettlecker, Gert, Bimbo, Alberto Del, Ferro, Nicola, Fuhr, Norbert, Keim, Daniel, Klas, Claus-Peter, Lidy, Thomas, Norrie, Moira C., Ranaldi, Paola, Schek, Hans-Jorg (2007): DelosDLMS - the Integrated DELOS Digital Library Management System. In: DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries February 2007, 2007, Pisa, Italy.

Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat, Weibel, Nadir (2008): Interactive Paper as a Reading Medium in Digital Libraries. In: ECDL 2008, 12th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries September 14-19, 2008, Aarhus, Denmark.

Weibel, Nadir, Ispas, Adriana, Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2008): PaperProof: A Paper-Digital Proof-Editing System. In: CHI 5-10 April, 2008, Florence, Italy. pp. 2349-2354.

Liwicki, Marcus, Schumacher, Kinga, Dengel, Andreas, Weibel, Nadir, Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2008): Pen and Paper-based Interaction with the Semantic Desktop. In: DAS 2008, 8th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems September 16-19, 2008, Nara, Japan.

Ignat, Claudia-Lavinia, Papadopoulou, Stavroula, Oster, Gerald, Norrie, Moira C. (2008): Providing awareness in multi-synchronous collaboration without compromising privacy. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW08 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2008, . pp. 659-668.

Decurtins, Corsin, Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat (2003): Digital annotation of printed documents. In: Proceedings of the 2003 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management November 2-8, 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. pp. 552-555.

Reuss, Elke, Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2008): PowerPoint Multimedia Presentations in Computer Science Education: What Do Users Need?. In: Holzinger, Andreas (eds.) USAB 2008 - 4th Symposium of the Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering of the Austrian Computer Society November 20-21, 2008, Graz, Austria. pp. 281-298.

Reuss, Elke, Naef, Rahel, Keller, Rochus, Norrie, Moira C. (2007): Physicians\' and Nurses\' Documenting Practices and Implications for Electronic Patient Re. In: Holzinger, Andreas (eds.) USAB 2007 - Third Symposium of the Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering of the Austrian Computer Society November, 22, 2007, Graz, Austria. pp. 113-118.

Ispas, Adriana, Li, Nan, Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat (2010): Paper-Digital Meeting Support and Review. In: Proceedings of CollaborateCom 2010, 6th International Conference on Collaborative Computing October, 2010, Chicago, USA.

Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2010): Interactive Paper: Past, Present and Future. In: Proceedings of PaperComp 2010, 1st International Workshop on Paper Computing September, 2010, Copenhagen Denmark.

Ispas, Adriana, Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2010): A Study of Incidental Notetaking to Inform Digital Pen and Paper Solutions. In: Proceedings of HCI 2010, 24th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction September, 2010, Dundee, United Kingdom.

Leone, Stefania, Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat, Spindler, Alexandre de (2009): From Static Methods to Role-Driven Service Invocation - A Metamodel for Active Content in . In: Proceedings of ER 2009, 28th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling November, 2009, Gramado, Brazil.

Signer, Beat, Spindler, Alexandre de, Norrie, Moira C. (2009): Collaborative Ad-hoc Information Sharing in Cross-Media Information Environments. In: Proceedings of CoopIS 2009, 17th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems November, 2009, Vilamoura, Portugal.

Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2009): An Architecture for Open Cross-Media Annotation Services. In: Proceedings of WISE 2009, 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering October, 2009, Poznan, Poland.

Signer, Beat, Spindler, Alexandre de, Norrie, Moira C. (2009): A Framework for Link Sharing in Cooperative Cross-Media Information Spaces. In: Proceedings of CDVE 2009, 6th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering September, 2009, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.

Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2009): Active Components as a Method for Coupling Data and Services - A Database-Driven Applicati. In: Proceedings of ICOODB 2009, 2nd International Conference on Object Databases July, 2009, Zurich, Switzerland.

Ispas, Adriana, Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2008): An Extensible Framework for Personal Cross-Media Information Management. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Cross-Media Information Analysis, Extraction and Management December, 2008, Koblenz, Germany.

Reuss, Elke I., Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2008): PowerPoint Multimedia Presentations in Computer Science Education: What do Users Need?. In: Proceedings of USAB 2008, 4th Symposium on Usability and HCI for Education and Work November, 2008, Graz, Austria.

Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2008): A Framework for Developing Pervasive Cross-Media Applications based on Physical Hypermedia. In: Proceedings of ICPCA 2008, 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications October, 2008, Alexandria, Egypt.

Norrie, Moira C., Signer, Beat, Weibel, Nadir (2008): Interactive Paper as a Reading Medium in Digital Libraries. In: Proceedings of ECDL 2008, 12th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries September, 2008, Aarhus, Denmark.

Liwicki, Marcus, Schumacher, Kinga, Dengel, Andreas, Weibel, Nadir, Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2008): Pen and Paper-based Interaction with the Semantic Desktop. In: Proceedings of DAS 2008, 8th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems September, 2008, Nara, Japan.

Ravasio, Pamela, Vukelja, Ljiljana, Rivera, Gabrio, Norrie, Moira C. (2003): Project InfoSpace: From Information Managing to Information Representation. In: Rauterberg, Matthias, Menozzi, Marino, Wesson, Janet (eds.) Interact 2003 - Ninth IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 1st-5th September 2003, 2003, Zürich, Switzerland.

Ignat, Claudia-Lavinia, Norrie, Moira C. (2006): Flexible Collaboration over XML Documents. In: Luo, Yuhua (eds.) Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, Third International Conference - CDVE 2006 Mallorca, Spain, 2006, September 17-20. pp. 267-274.

Spindler, Alexandre de, Leone, Stefania, Geel, Matthias, Norrie, Moira C. (2010): Using Tag Clouds to Promote Community Awareness in Research Environments. In: Luo, Yuhua (eds.) Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering - 7th International Conference - CDVE 2010 Calvia, Mallorca, Spain, 2010, September 19-22. pp. 3-10.

Nebeling, Michael, Matulic, Fabrice, Norrie, Moira C. (2011): Metrics for the evaluation of news site content layout in large-screen contexts. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 1511-1520.

Ispas, Adriana, Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2010): A study of incidental notetaking to inform digital pen and paper solutions. In: Proceedings of the HCI10 Conference on People and Computers XXIV , 2010, . pp. 374-383.

Ispas, Adriana, Signer, Beat, Norrie, Moira C. (2011): An extensible digital ink segmentation and classification framework for natural notetaking. In: ACM SIGCHI 2011 Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 231-240.

Matulic, Fabrice, Norrie, Moira C. (2012): Supporting active reading on pen and touch-operated tabletops. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces , 2012, . pp. 612-619.

Nebeling, Michael, Speicher, Maximilian, Norrie, Moira C. (2013): W3touch: metrics-based web page adaptation for touch. In: Proceedings of CHI 2013 Conference on Human Factors in Computing April 27-May 2, 2013, Paris, France. pp. 2311-2320.

Nebeling, Michael, Speicher, Maximilian, Norrie, Moira C. (2013): CrowdAdapt: Enabling Crowdsourced Web Page Adaptation for Individual Viewing Conditions an. In: Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems EICS 2013 June 24-27, 2013, London, United Kingdom.

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