Author: Nathalie Beeckman
Publication period start: 2007
Number of co-authors: 5
Number of
publications with favourite co-authors
Productive Colleagues
Most productive
colleagues in number of publications
- Thurid Vogt
- Ana Paiva
- Elisabeth Andre
- 11
- 52
- 59
Dias, João, Ho, Wan Ching, Vogt, Thurid, Beeckman, Nathalie, Paiva, Ana, Andre, Elisabeth (2007): I Know What I Did Last Summer: Autobiographic Memory in Synthetic Characters. In: Paiva, Ana, Prada, Rui, Picard, Rosalind W. (eds.) ACII 2007 - Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Second International Conference September 12-14, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. pp. 606-617.