Author: Neil Iscoe
Publication period start: 1988
Number of co-authors: 2
Number of
publications with favourite co-authors
Productive Colleagues
Most productive
colleagues in number of publications
- Herb Krasner
- Bill Curtis
- 11
- 25
Curtis, Bill, Krasner, Herb, Iscoe, Neil (1988): A Field Study of the Software Design Process for Large Systems. In Communications of the ACM, 31 (11) pp. 1268-1287.
Krasner, Herb, Curtis, Bill, Iscoe, Neil (1987): Communication Breakdowns and Boundary Spanning Activities on Large Programming Projects. In: Olson, Gary M., Sheppard, Sylvia B., Soloway, Elliot (eds.) Empirical Studies of Programmers - Second Workshop December 7-8 1987, 1987, Washington, DC. pp. 47-64.