Author: Nicholas Burtnyk
Productive Colleagues
Burtnyk, Nicholas, Khan, Azam, Fitzmaurice, George W., Balakrishnan, Ravin, Kurtenbach, Gordon (2002): StyleCam: interactive stylized 3D navigation using integrated spatial & temporal controls. In: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology October 27-30, 2002, Paris, France. pp. 101-110.
McGuffin, Michael, Burtnyk, Nicholas, Kurtenbach, Gordon (2002): FaST Sliders: Integrating Marking Menus and the Adjustment of Continuous Values. In: Graphics Interface 2002 May 27-29, 2002, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. pp. 35-42.
Burtnyk, Nicholas, Khan, Azam, Fitzmaurice, George W., Kurtenbach, Gordon (2006): ShowMotion: camera motion based 3D design review. In: Olano, Marc, Séquin, Carlo H. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2006 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, SI3D 2006, March 14-17, 2006, Redwood City, California, USA , 2006, . pp. 167-174.