Author: P. Ketola
- J. Leskela
- E. Rysa
- H. Korhonen
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Productive Colleagues
- E. Rysa
- K. Konkka
- H. Korhonen
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Anttila, H., Back, R.-J., Ketola, P., Konkka, K., Leskela, J., Rysa, E. (2003): Coping with Increasing SW Complexity - Stepwise Feature Introduction and User-Centred Desi. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction June 22-27, 2003, Crete, Greece. pp. 419-423.
Ketola, P. (2000): Concurrent Usability Engineering. In: Proceedings of the HCI00 Conference on People and Computers XIV , 2000, . pp. 149-162.
Ketola, P., Korhonen, H. (2001): ToyMobile: Image-based Telecommunication and Small Children. In: Proceedings of the HCI01 Conference on People and Computers XV , 2001, . pp. 415-426.