Author: P. Wright


Publication period start: 2006
Number of co-authors: 17


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
D. J. Reed
Ann Lickorish
M. Harrison

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Ann Lickorish
P. Johnson
Erik Geelhoed


Blythe, M., Reid, J., Wright, P., Geelhoed, Erik (2006): Interdisciplinary criticism: analysing the experience of riot! a location-sensitive digita. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 25 (2) pp. 127-139.

Fields, B., Harrison, M., Wright, P. (1994): From Informal Requirements to Agent-Based Specification. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 26 (2) pp. 65-68.

Black, A., Wright, P., Black, D., Norman, K. (1992): Consulting On-Line Dictionary Information while Reading. In Hypermedia, 4 (3) pp. 145-169.

Wright, P., Lickorish, Ann (1988): Colour Cues as Location Aids in Lengthy Texts on Screen and Paper. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 7 (1) pp. 11-30.

Tombaugh, J., Lickorish, Ann, Wright, P. (1987): Multi-Window Displays for Readers of Lengthy Texts. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 26 (5) pp. 597-615.

Wright, P., Bason, G. (1983): Detour Routes to Usability: A Comparison of Alternative Approaches to Multipurpose Softwar. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 18 (4) pp. 391-400.

Pocock, S., Harrison, M., Wright, P., Johnson, P. (2001): THEA: A Technique for Human Error Assessment Early in Design. In: Proceedings of IFIP INTERACT01: Human-Computer Interaction , 2001, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 247-254.

McCarthy, J., Wright, P. (2005): Technology in Place: Dialogics of Technology, Place and Self. In: Proceedings of IFIP INTERACT05: Human-Computer Interaction , 2005, . pp. 914-926.

Wright, P., Belt, S., John, C. (2003): Fancy Graphics Can Deter Older Users: A Comparison of Two Interfaces for Exploring Healthy. In: Proceedings of the HCI03 Conference on People and Computers XVII , 2003, . pp. 315-326.

Reed, D. J., Wright, P. (2006): Place and the Experience of BLISS. In: Proceedings of the HCI06 Conference on People and Computers XX , 2006, . pp. 203-220.

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