Patricia Sachs

Author: Patricia Sachs

PatriciaSachs is founder and CEO of SocialSolutions, Inc., a consulting firm that embeds innovation in companies. Her firm conducts ethnographic consumer research in over 12 countries around theworld, and co-designs work systems with clients to bring novel, customer-focused strategies to fruition. Social Solutions, Inc. is certified as a Women's Business Enterprise by the WBENC. Dr. Sachs'work has been published in Communications of the ACM, Social Science Monthly Review, and US government policy reports. Her innovative thinking is frequently quoted in publications such as

Strategy & Business, ScientificAmerican, Fast Company, Business Week, Wired, and The Washington Post, and Marketing News, and Computer World.

Founder andDirector of the Work Systems Design Group at NYNEX Science and Technology in the early 1990s, Dr. Sachs incorporated participatory design practices in the design of work systems, bringing together workers, managers, and scholarly practitioners. Social Solutions continues to use this integrated approach in its work. Dr. Sachs was Senior Research Scientist at the Institute for Research on Learning, where she served as Director of the Workplace Practice Group, and was Senior Research Associate at the Lab for Cognitive Studies of Work at City University in New York City. One of her patents for computer-based tools (Brahms), which visualizes and simulates work and social relationships, has been in use at NASAfor over eight years.

Dr. Sachs holdsMasters and PhD degrees from City University of New York in economic anthropology. She conducted post-doctoral research in cognitive and developmental psychology.


Publication period start: 1995
Number of co-authors: 6


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Jim Euchner
Brigitte Jordan
Ron Goldman

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Brigitte Jordan
Maarten Sierhuis
William J. Clancey


Clancey, William J., Sachs, Patricia, Sierhuis, Maarten, Hoof, Ron van (1998): Brahms: Simulating Practice for Work Systems Design. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 49 (6) pp. 831-865.

Jordan, Brigitte, Goldman, Ron, Sachs, Patricia (1995): Tools for the Workplace. In Communications of the ACM, 38 (9) pp. 42.

Sachs, Patricia (1995): Transforming Work: Collaboration, Learning, and Design. In Communications of the ACM, 38 (9) pp. 36-44.

Euchner, Jim, Sachs, Patricia (1993): The Benefits of International Tension. In Communications of the ACM, 36 (6) pp. 53.

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