Author: Petter Bae Brandtzaeg

Ph.D candidate at the University of Oslo and researcher at SINTEF ICT.


Publication period start: 2010
Number of co-authors: 23


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Tor Endestad
Birgit Hertzberg Kaare
Jan Heim

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Kenji Mase
Eric Paulos
Manfred Tscheligi


Brandtzaeg, Petter Bae, Lüders, Marika, Skjetne, Jan Håvard (2010): Too Many Facebook "Friends"? Content Sharing and Sociability Versus the Need for Privacy i. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 26 (11) pp. 1006-1030.

Heim, Jan, Brandtzaeg, Petter Bae, Kaare, Birgit Hertzberg, Endestad, Tor (2007): Children’s Usage of Media Technologies and Psychosocial Factors. In New Media And Society, 9 (3) pp. 425-454.

Kaare, Birgit Hertzberg, Brandtzaeg, Petter Bae, Heim, Jan, Endestad, Tor (2007): In the borderland between family orientation and peer culture: the use of communication te. In New Media And Society, 9 (4) pp. 603-624.

Krumm, John, Anderson, Ken, Roibas, Anxo Cereijo, Brandtzaeg, Petter Bae, Rompaey, Veerle Van, Tuomela, Urpo, Burke, Anthony, Paulos, Eric, Williams, Amanda, Jang, Seiie, Mase, Kenji, Laerhoven, Kristof van, Lee, Sanggoog, Cotroneo, Domenico, Flora, Cristiano di (2007): UbiComp 2006 Workshops, Part 1. In IEEE Pervasive Computing, 6 (1) pp. 92-94.

Obrist, Marianna, Geerts, David, Brandtzaeg, Petter Bae, Tscheligi, Manfred (2008): Design for creating, uploading and sharing user generated content. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2008 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 5-10, 2008, . pp. 2391-2394.

Brandtzaeg, Petter Bae, Heim, Jan (2008): User Loyalty and Online Communities: Why Members of Online Communities are not faithful.. In: Benko, Hrvoje (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd international Conference on intelligent Technologies For interactive Entertainment. ACM Digital Libraries January 08-12, 2008, Cancun, Mexico. pp. Article 11.

Foelstad, Asbjørn, Brandtzaeg, Petter Bae, Heim, Jan (2008): The Impact of End-user Characteristics on End-users’ Experience of e-Government Services f. In: Kommers, P., Isaias, P. (eds.) Proceedings of the IADIS international conference e-Society 2008 April 9-12, 2008, Algarve, Portugal. pp. 9-15.

Geerts, David, Obrist, Marianna, Brandtzaeg, Petter Bae, Tscheligi, Manfred (2007): Supporting non-professional users in the new media landscape. In: Begole, Bo, Payne, Stephen J., Churchill, Elisabeth, Amant, Robert St., Gilmore, David, Rosson, Mary Beth (eds.) CHI 07 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 28-May 03, 2007, San Jose, CA, USA. pp. 2849-2852.

Brandtzaeg, Petter Bae, Heim, Jan, Kaare, Birgit Hertzberg (2008): A study of user motivation and family-based capital among online community users in Norway. In: Kommers, Peter (eds.) Proceedings of the IADIS Conference of Web-Based Communities July 8-10, 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp. 21-30.

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