Ravindra S. Goonetilleke

Author: Ravindra S. Goonetilleke

Primary interests are designing culture-friendly interfaces


Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 38


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
S. Xiong
J. Zhao
Heloisa Martins Shih

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Yan Zhang
Joseph Sharit
Colin G. Drury


Luximon, Yan, Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (2012): Time use behavior in single and time-sharing tasks. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 70 (5) pp. 332-345. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1071581912000122

Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Luximon, Yan (2010): The relationship between monochronicity, polychronicity and individual characteristics. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 29 (2) pp. 187-198. https://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/01449290903222697

Xiong, S., Zhao, J., Bu, Y., Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (2008): Computerized girth determination for custom footwear manufacture. In Computers and Industrial Engineering, 3 (54) pp. 359-373. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2007.07.015

Zhao, Jianhui, Xiong, Shuping, Bu, Yuebin, Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (2008): Computerized girth determination for custom footwear manufacture. In Computers and Industrial Engineering, 54 (3) pp. 359-373. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2007.07.015

Xiong, Shuping, Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Witana, Channa Patuwatha, Au, Emily Yim Lee (2008): Modelling foot height and foot-shape-related dimensions. In Ergonomics, 0 (0) pp. .

Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Hoffmann, Errol Robert (2008): Hand-Skin Temperature and Tracking Performance. In International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 0 (0) pp. .

L., Au, E. Y., Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (2007): A qualitative study on the comfort and fit of ladies’ dress shoes.. In Applied Ergonomics, 38 (6) pp. 687-696. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6V1W-4N7Y8C9-1-K&_cdi=5685&_user=2149949&_orig=browse&_coverDate=11%2F30%2F2007&_sk=999619993&view=c&wchp=dGLzVlz-zSkzV&md5=e7f606e6695c1c812a306bfcde0293d0&ie=/sdarticle.pdf

Xiong, S., Zhao, J., Bu, Y., Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (2007): Computerized girth determination for custom footwear manufacture. In Computers and Industrial Engineering, 0 (0) pp. . https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2007.07.015

Li, Y., Chen, L., Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (2006): A heuristic-based approach to optimize keyboard design for single-finger keying applicatio. In International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 36 (8) pp. 695-704. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6V31-4K66DKM-1-3T&_cdi=5717&_user=2149949&_orig=browse&_coverDate=08%2F31%2F2006&_sk=999639991&view=c&wchp=dGLbVlb-zSkzV&md5=406354cc1ecc42b9c04d5edbfe5b6fda&ie=/sdarticle.pdf

Witana, C. P., Xiong, S., Zhao, J., Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (2006): Foot measurements from three-dimensional scans: A comparison and evaluation of different m. In International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 36 (9) pp. 789-807.

Zhang, Yan, Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Plocher, Thomas, Liang, Sheau-Farn Max (2005): Time-related behaviour in multitasking situations. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 62 (4) pp. 425-455. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2005.01.002

Luximon, A., Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Zhang, M. (2005): 3D foot shape generation from 2D information.. In Ergonomics, 48 (6) pp. 625-641. https://iesu5.ieem.ust.hk/dfaculty/ravi/papers/3dt2d.pdf

Luximon, A., Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (2004): Foot Shape Modeling. In Human Factors, 46 (2) pp. 304-315. https://www-ieem.ust.hk/dfaculty/ravi/papers/shape_HF.pdf

Cabrera, J., Tsui, K. L., Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (2004): A Scale Model for Fitting Object Shapes from Fixed Location Data.. In IIE Transactions, 36 (11) pp. 1099-1105. https://www-ieem.ust.hk/dfaculty/ravi/papers/shape.pdf

Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Lau, W. C., Shih, Heloisa Martins (2002): Visual search strategies and eye movements when searching Chinese character screens. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 57 (6) pp. 447-468.

Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Shih, Heloisa Martins, On, Hung Kai, Fritsch, Julien (2001): Effects of training and representational characteristics in icon design. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 55 (5) pp. 741-760.

Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Himmelsbach, Jennifer A. (1992): Shoe Cushioning and Related Material Properties. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 36th Annual Meeting , 1992, . pp. 519-522.

Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Eng, Timothy J. (1994): Contact Area Effects on Discomfort. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 38th Annual Meeting , 1994, . pp. 688-690.

Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Cann, Michael T. (1995): Perceived Differences in Running and Walking Shoes. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 39th Annual Meeting , 1995, . pp. 336-340.

Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Drury, Colin G., Sharit, Joseph (1995): What Does an Operator Need to Learn?. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 39th Annual Meeting , 1995, . pp. 1284-1288.

Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Duffy, C., Jacques, D. (2001): Customer Needs in Web Based Interaction: A Macro View of Usability. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 2001, . pp. 365-369.

Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Drury, Colin G., Sharit, Joseph (1995): Evaluation of Control Strategies in a Complex Space-Vehicle Control Task: Effects of Train. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction July 9-14, 1995, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 311-316.

Shih, H. M., Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (1997): Do Existing Menu Design Guidelines Work in Chinese?. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1997, . pp. 161-164.

Kurniawan, Sri Hastuti, Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Shih, Heloisa Martins (2001): Involving Chinese users in analyzing the effects of languages and modalities on computer i. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) HCI International 2001 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 5-10, 2001, New Orleans, USA. pp. 491-495.

Lau, Wing Chung, Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., Shih, Heloisa Martins (2001): Eye-scan patterns of Chinese when searching full screen menus. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) HCI International 2001 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 5-10, 2001, New Orleans, USA. pp. 367-371.

Rodrigo, Asanka S., Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (2010): Designing Flight Information Displays for Quick Information Access: A Case Study of an Int. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting , 2010, . pp. 586-589. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/hfes/hfproc/2010/00000054/00000006/art00009

Weerasinghe, Thilina W., Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (2011): Center of Pressure Variations in High-Heeled Shoes. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting , 2011, . pp. 1640-1643. https://pro.sagepub.com/content/55/1/1640

Reischl, Uwe, Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (2011): Thermal Properties of Reflective Helmet Exposed to Infrared Radiation. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting , 2011, . pp. 1663-1665. https://pro.sagepub.com/content/55/1/1663

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