Author: Richard C. Davis


Publication period start: 2005
Number of co-authors: 7


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
T. Scott Saponas
Michael Shilman
James A. Landay

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Michael Shilman
T. Scott Saponas
James A. Landay


Odell, Daniel L., Davis, Richard C., Smith, Andrew, Wright, Paul K. (2004): Toolglasses, marking menus, and hotkeys: a comparison of one and two-handed command select. In: Graphics Interface 2004 May 17-19, 2004, London, Ontario, Canada. pp. 17-24.

Davis, Richard C., Colwell, Brien, Landay, James A. (2008): K-sketch: a \'kinetic\' sketch pad for novice animators. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2008 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 5-10, 2008, . pp. 413-422.

Davis, Richard C., Saponas, T. Scott, Shilman, Michael, Landay, James A. (2007): SketchWizard: Wizard of Oz prototyping of pen-based user interfaces. In: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology October 7-10, 2007, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. pp. 119-128.

Davis, Richard C., Landay, James A. (2004): A Visual Language for Animating Sketches. In: VL-HCC 2004 - IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 26-29 September, 2004, Rome, Italy. pp. 273-274.

Davis, Richard C., Landay, James A. (2005): Forms of Expression for Designing Visual Languages for Animation. In: VL-HCC 2005 - IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 21-24 September, 2005, Dallas, TX, USA. pp. 327-328.

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