Author: Robert Lougher
Publication period start: 1993
Number of co-authors: 2
Number of
publications with favourite co-authors
Productive Colleagues
Most productive
colleagues in number of publications
- John Mariani
- Tom Rodden
- 8
- 106
Lougher, Robert, Rodden, Tom (1993): Supporting Long Term Collaboration in Software Maintenance. In: Kaplan, Simon M. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Organizational Computing Systems 1993 November 1-4, 1993, Milpitas, California, USA. pp. 228-238.
Mariani, John, Lougher, Robert (1992): TripleSpace: An Experiment in a 3D Graphical Interface to a Binary Relational Database. In Interacting with Computers, 4 (2) pp. 147-162.