Author: Ronald Boring
Productive Colleagues
Mosleh, Ali, Forester, John, Boring, Ronald, Hendrickson, Stacey, Whaley, April, Shen, Song-Hua, Kelly, Dana, Dang, Vinh, Oxstrand, Johanna, Lois, Erasmia (2010): A Model-Based Human Reliability Analysis Framework. In: Proceedings of 10th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference June 7-11, 2010, Seattle, Washington.
Gertman, David, Hugo, Jacques, Boring, Ronald (2012): Haven't a Cue? Mapping the CUE Space as an Aid to HRA Modeling. In: PSAM 11 and ESREL 2012 Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment June 25-29, 2012, Helsinki, Finland.