Author: Russell Kruger
Productive Colleagues
- Stacey D. Scott
- Sheelagh Carpendale
- Saul Greenberg
- 20
- 38
- 140
Kruger, Russell, Carpendale, Sheelagh, Scott, Stacey D., Greenberg, Saul (2004): Roles of Orientation in Tabletop Collaboration: Comprehension, Coordination and Communicat. In Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 13 (5) pp. 501-537. https://springerlink.metapress.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.1007/s10606-004-5062-8
Kruger, Russell, Carpendale, Sheelagh, Scott, Stacey D., Greenberg, Saul (2003): How people use orientation on tables: comprehension, coordination and communication. In: Tremaine, Marilyn M., Simone, Carla (eds.) Proceedings of the International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work 2003 November 9-12, 2003, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA. pp. 369-378. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/958160.958219
Kruger, Russell, Carpendale, Sheelagh, Scott, Stacey D., Tang, Anthony (2005): Fluid integration of rotation and translation. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2005 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2005, . pp. 601-610. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1054972.1055055