Author: Sandra L. Newsome
Productive Colleagues
Brown, Megan L., Newsome, Sandra L., Glinert, Ephraim P. (1989): An Experiment into the Use of Auditory Cues to Reduce Visual Workload. In: Bice, Ken, Lewis, Clayton H. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 89 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 30 - June 4, 1989, Austin, Texas. pp. 339-346.
Lamberti, Donna M., Newsome, Sandra L. (1989): Presenting Abstract versus Concrete Information in Expert Systems: What is the Impact on U. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 31 (1) pp. 27-45.
Cohan, Lori A., Newsome, Sandra L. (1988): Navigational Aids and Learning Styles: Structural Optimal Training for Computer Users. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 20 (2) pp. 30-32.
Newsome, Sandra L., Hochlerin, Michael E. (1989): When \"Not\" is Not Bad: A Re-Evaluation of the Use of Negatives. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting , 1989, . pp. 229-233.