Author: Seth J. Teller
Productive Colleagues
Bosse, Michael, Rikoski, Richard J., Leonard, John J., Teller, Seth J. (2003): Vanishing points and three-dimensional lines from omni-directional video. In The Visual Computer, 19 (6) pp. 417-430.
Teller, Seth J., Chen, Jiawen, Balakrishnan, Hari (2003): Pervasive Pose-Aware Applications and Infrastructure. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 23 (4) pp. 14-18.
Shlyakhter, Ilya, Rozenoer, Max, Dorsey, Julie, Teller, Seth J. (2001): Reconstructing 3D Tree Models from Instrumented Photographs. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 21 (3) pp. 53-61.
Funkhouser, Thomas A., Teller, Seth J., Khorramabadi, Delnaz (1996): The UC Berkeley System for Interactive Visualization of Large Architectural Models. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 5 (1) pp. 13-44.
Coorg, Satyan R., Teller, Seth J. (1997): Real-Time Occlusion Culling for Models with Large Occluders. In: SI3D 1997 , 1997, . pp. 83-90,189.