Author: Shinya Kitaoka
Productive Colleagues
Hamazaki, Hirofumi, Kitaoka, Shinya, Ozaki, Maya, Kitamura, Yoshifumi, Lindeman, Robert W., Kishino, Fumio (2008): Extracting camera-control requirements and camera movement generation in a 3D virtual envi. In: Inakage, Masa, Cheok, Adrian David (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE 2008 December 3-5, 2008, Yokohama, Japan. pp. 126-129.
Kitaoka, Shinya, Noma, Tsukasa, Kitamura, Yoshifumi, Yamamoto, Kunio (2007): Inverse rendering for artistic paintings. In: Braz, José, Vázquez, Pere-Pau, Pereira, João Madeiras (eds.) GRAPP 2007 - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications Volume GM-R March 8-11, 2007, Barcelona, Spain. pp. 293-298.