Author: Soumitra Dutta
Productive Colleagues
Angehrn, Albert A., Dutta, Soumitra (1998): Case-Based Decision Support. In Communications of the ACM, 41 (5) pp. 157-165.
Dutta, Soumitra, Wassenhove, Luk Van, Kulandaiswamy, Selvan (1998): Benchmarking European Software Management Practices. In Communications of the ACM, 41 (6) pp. 77-86.
Dutta, Soumitra, Wierenga, Berend, Dalebout, Arco (1997): Designing Management support Systems Using an Integrative Perspective. In Communications of the ACM, 40 (6) pp. 70-79.
Dutta, Soumitra, Segev, Arie (1999): Transforming Business in the Marketspace. In: HICSS 1999 , 1999, .
Jelassi, Tawfik, Dutta, Soumitra (1994): Integrating Global Operations with Information Technology: Lessons from a Case Study. In: HICSS 1994 , 1994, . pp. 453-463.