Author: Stephan Streuber
My name is Stephan Streuber and I am a media- and computer scientist. Right now, I am working as a PhD student at the [Department: Human Perception, Cognition and Action] at the [Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics] where I am doing behavioral experiments in the domain of natural human interaction. I am especially interested in the processes which allow humans to understand, predict and adept their actions to those of others (joint action).
Productive Colleagues
Geiger, Christian, Reckter, Holger, Streuber, Stephan (2008): Iterativer Entwurf einer multimodalen 3D-Installation mittels frühzeitiger Evaluierung. In: Herczeg, Michael, Kindsmüller, Martin Christof (eds.) Mensch and Computer 2008 7-10 September, 2008, Lübeck, Germany. pp. 177-186. https://