Steven Ariss

Author: Steven Ariss


Steven Ariss was involved in the \'Phototalk\' study with Hewlett Packard, during which time he used Conversation Analysis methods to investigate the structure and content of talk focused upon the collaborative viewing of photographs.  Some of the findings are published in the 2002 CSCW conference proceedings (Frohlich et al, 2002), and in Chapter Seven of the book \"Audiophotography\" (Frohlich, 2004).  He has a continued interest in interactions that are influenced by visual images and artifacts.   

Steven has a background in Sociology and completed a PhD in Health Sciences at the University of York in 2005.  His Doctoral Thesis is titled \"Exploring Interactions Between General Practitioners and Frequently Attending Patients\".  This study uses Conversation Analysis to explore issues that are important for these types of interactions, and provides a comparison with consultations for \'new\' or acute problems.  An important theme of this work is the \'heartsink\' phenomenon in General Practice i.e. the negative emotional reaction of GPs when certain patients attend. Ariss

Steven provides consultancy services for research on communication and human interaction (

From January 2009 he will be involved in an SDO research project at The University of Sheffield looking at developing and evaluating a change-management tool for integrated working in older peoples\' intermediate health and social care services.

He has provided communication research consultancy for the Bradford Institute for Health Research regarding studies of diabetes care (, and continues to be involved with the evaluation of the Year of Care for diabetes project.

Steven has worked for the Bradford Dementia Group, and recently completed an evaluation for The University of Bradford, evaluating the Local Partnerships for Older People Programme (POPP). This programme was a whole-system redesign of older peoples\' mental health services

Steven has worked for the NHS, coordinating the North Yorkshire R&D Alliance Older Peoples\' Mental Health Research Programme.  He was principal investigator for a pilot project: \"Primary Care Partnership Programme for Dementia: a Pilot Study Adapting the \'Partnering with your Doctor\' programme to enhance dementia care in the NHS\"  ( g.php).


Publication period start: 2008
Number of co-authors: 9


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Emma Rowley
Mark Langdon
John Wright

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Abbe Don
Allan Kuchinsky
David M. Frohlich


Rhodes, Penny, Small, Neil, Rowley, Emma, Langdon, Mark, Ariss, Steven, Wright, John (2008): Electronic Medical Records in Diabetes Consultations: Participants' Gaze as an Interaction. In Qualitative Health Research, 18 (9) pp. 1247-1263.

Frohlich, David M., Kuchinsky, Allan, Pering, Celine, Don, Abbe, Ariss, Steven (2002): Requirements for photoware. In: Churchill, Elizabeth F., McCarthy, Joe, Neuwirth, Christine, Rodden, Tom (eds.) Proceedings of the 2002 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work November 16 - 20, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. pp. 166-175.

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