Author: Suh-Yin Lee


Publication period start: 1997
Number of co-authors: 10


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Bao-Shuh Paul Lin
Hua-Fu Li
Man-Kwan Shan

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Bao-Shuh Paul Lin
Hua-Fu Li
Man-Kwan Shan


Hsu, Fang-Jung, Lee, Suh-Yin, Lin, Bao-Shuh Paul (1999): 2D C-Tree Spatial Representation for Iconic Image. In J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 10 (2) pp. 147-164.

Hsu, Fang-Jung, Lee, Suh-Yin, Lin, Bao-Shuh Paul (1998): Video Data Indexing by 2D C-Trees. In J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 9 (4) pp. 375-297.

Chang, Chuej-Wei, Lee, Suh-Yin (1997): A Video Information System for Sport Motion Analysis. In J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 8 (3) pp. 265-287.

Chang, Chueh-Wei, Lee, Suh-Yin (1997): Automatic Cel Painting in Computer-assisted Cartoon Production using Similarity Recognitio. In Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 8 (3) pp. 165-185.

Shan, Man-Kwan, Lee, Suh-Yin (1995): Dynamic Allocation of Signature File for Multimedia Document Using Parallel Devices. In: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 1995, . pp. 375.

Chang, Chueh-Wei, Lin, Keh-Feng, Lee, Suh-Yin (1995): The Characteristics of Digital Video and Considerations of Designing Video Databases. In: CIKM 95 - Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management November 28 - December 2, 1995, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. pp. 370-377.

Li, Hua-Fu, Lee, Suh-Yin, Shan, Man-Kwan (2005): DSM-TKP: Mining Top-K Path Traversal Patterns over Web Click-Streams. In: Skowron, Andrzej, Agrawal, Rakesh, Luck, Michael, Yamaguchi, Takahira, Morizet-Mahoudeaux, Pierre, Liu, Jiming, Zhong, Ning (eds.) 2005 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI 2005 19-22 September, 2005, Compiegne, France. pp. 326-329.

Lin, Ming-Yen, Lee, Suh-Yin (2003): Improving the Efficiency of Interactive Sequential Pattern Mining by Incremental Pattern D. In: HICSS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 68.

Kuo, Fang-Fei, Chiang, Meng-Fen, Shan, Man-Kwan, Lee, Suh-Yin (2005): Emotion-based music recommendation by association discovery from film music. In: Zhang, Hongjiang, Chua, Tat-Seng, Steinmetz, Ralf, Kankanhalli, Mohan S., Wilcox, Lynn (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Multimedia November 6-11, 2005, Singapore. pp. 507-510.

Li, Hua-Fu, Lee, Suh-Yin, Shan, Man-Kwan (2004): On mining webclick streams for path traversal patterns. In: Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2004, . pp. 404-405.

Li, Hua-Fu, Shan, Man-Kwan, Lee, Suh-Yin (2006): Online mining of frequent query trees over XML data streams. In: Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2006, . pp. 959-960.

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