Author: Suresh K. Lodha


Publication period start: 2002
Number of co-authors: 10


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Alex Pang
Craig M. Wittenbrink
Robert E. Sheehan

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Craig M. Wittenbrink
Robert Sheehan
Alex Pang


Lodha, Suresh K., Roskin, Krishna M., Renteria, Jose C. (2003): Hierarchical topology-preserving simplification of terrains. In The Visual Computer, 19 (7) pp. 493-504.

Spirkovska, Lilly, Lodha, Suresh K. (2002): AWE: aviation weather data visualization environment. In Computers & Graphics, 26 (1) pp. 169-191.

Pang, Alex, Wittenbrink, Craig M., Lodha, Suresh K. (1997): Approaches to uncertainty visualization. In The Visual Computer, 13 (8) pp. 370-390.

Lodha, Suresh K., Sheehan, Robert, Wittenbrink, Alex Pang Craig (1996): Visualizing Geometric Uncertainty of Surface Interpolants. In: Graphics Interface 96 May 22-24, 1996, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. pp. 238-245.

Bill, James R., Lodha, Suresh K. (1995): Sculpting polygonal models using virtual tools. In: Graphics Interface 95 May 17-19, 1995, Quebec, Quebec, Canada. pp. 272-279.

Lodha, Suresh K., Pang, Alex, Sheehan, Robert E., Wittenbrink, Craig M. (1996): UFLOW: Visualizing Uncertainty in Fluid Flow. In: IEEE Visualization 1996 , 1996, . pp. 249-254.

Lodha, Suresh K., Renteria, Jose C., Roskin, Krishna M. (2000): Topology preserving compression of 2D vector fields. In: IEEE Visualization 2000 , 2000, . pp. 343-350.

Lodha, Suresh K., Wilson, Catherine M., Sheehan, Robert E. (1996): LISTEN: Sounding Uncertainty Visualization. In: IEEE Visualization 1996 , 1996, . pp. 189-195.

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