Author: Toshimasa Yamazaki
Productive Colleagues
Yamazaki, Toshimasa, Kamijo, Ken-ichi (1989): Visual Evoked Potential as an Indicator of Visual Fatigue. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1989, . pp. 674-679.
Kamijo, Ken\'ichi, Yamazaki, Toshimasa (1991): Cognitive Evaluation for Multimedia Presentation Method -- Optimal Presentation Timings of. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1991, . pp. 468-472.
Fukuzumi, Shin'ichi, Yamazaki, Toshimasa (1999): Study on Stress Management - Relationship among Body Sway, Eye Accomodation, and Mental Fa. In: Bullinger, Hans-Jorg (eds.) HCI International 1999 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 22-26, 1999, Munich, Germany. pp. 79-83.