Author: Wendy Newstetter


Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 12


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Hina Shah
Nancy J. Nersessian
Mary Jean Harrold

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
N. Hari Narayanan
Colin Potts
Mark Guzdial


Guzdial, Mark, Kolodner, Janet L., Hmelo, Cindy E., Narayanan, N. Hari, Carlson, David, Rappin, Noel, Hübscher, Roland, Turns, J., Newstetter, Wendy (1996): Computer Support for Learning through Complex Problem Solving. In Communications of the ACM, 39 (4) pp. 43-45.

Potts, Colin, Newstetter, Wendy (1997): Naturalistic Inquiry and Requirements Engineering: Reconciling Their Theoretical Foundatio. In: 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE97 January 5-8, 1997, Annapolis, MD, USA. pp. 118-127.

Shah, Hina, Nersessian, Nancy J., Harrold, Mary Jean, Newstetter, Wendy (2012): Studying the influence of culture in global software engineering: thinking in terms of cul. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Intercultural Collaboration , 2012, . pp. 77-86.

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