William M. Snyder

Author: William M. Snyder


William M. Snyder writes and consults to help leaders organize action-learning networks that serve the common good. He has consulted for 20 years on large-scale change efforts in the private, public, and non-profit sectors with organizations such as AT&T, Colgate-Palmolive, Daimler-Chrysler, McKinsey & Company, the Veterans Administration, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Annie E. Casey Foundation. Bill is a global thought-leader on the topic of “communities of practice,” groups of practitioners that learn, innovate, and collaborate over time in areas of shared passion or concern. His research and consulting work focuses on civic communities of practice at local, national, and global levels. Examples include:
•A constellation of multi-stakeholder, economic-development communities in Chicago-focused on industry sectors such as biotech and telecommunications
•Several multi-city communities of practice working on issues such as healthy families and reducing gun violence, sponsored by Vice President Gore's Office of Reinventing Government
•A community for leaders of global, multi-stakeholder networks working on topics such as microcredit, transparency, and sustainable forests.


Publication period start: 2008
Number of co-authors: 12


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Wanda Montalvo
Xavier de Sousa Briggs
Etienne Wenger

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Wanda Montalvo
Xavier de Sousa Briggs
Etienne Wenger


Taplin, Stephen H., Calvo, Ahmed, Lockhart, Susan, Haggstrom, David, Jacobs, Tracy, Determan, Ada, Granger, Jennifer, Montalvo, Wanda, Snyder, William M. (2008): Implementing Colorectal Cancer Screening in Community Health Centers: Addressing Cancer He. In Medical Care, 46 (9) pp. S74-S83. https://www.lww-medicalcare.com/pt/re/medcare/abstract.00005650-200809001-00012.htm;jsessionid=J2xHYvbrxQr21YQ2ZXTDq1nMQcMzFyyqrG6J8x1T71NPpDlXcL3T!-1997255598!181195629!8091!-1

Snyder, William M., Wenger, Etienne (2003). Communities of Practice in Government: The Case for Sponsorship. http://www.ewenger.com/pub/index.htm

Snyder, William M., Wenger, Etienne, Briggs, Xavier de Sousa (2003): Communities of Practice in Government: Leveraging Knowledge for Performance. In The Public Manager, 32 (4) pp. 17-22. https://www.publicmanager.org

Wenger, Etienne, Snyder, William M. (2000): Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier. In Harvard Business Review, 0 (0) pp. 139-145.

Snyder, William M., Cummings, Thomas G. (1998): Organization Learning Disorders: Conceptual Model and Intervention Hypotheses. In Human Relations, 51 (7) pp. 873-895.

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