Author: Wolfram Woß


Publication period start: 2008
Number of co-authors: 4


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Franz Pühretmair
Hildegard Rumetshofer
Kerstin Altmanninger

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Kerstin Altmanninger
Hildegard Rumetshofer
Franz Pühretmair


Rumetshofer, Hildegard, Woß, Wolfram (2003): XML-based Adaptation Framework for Psychological-driven E-learning Systems. In Educational Technology & Society, 6 (4) pp. 18-29.

Altmanninger, Kerstin, Woß, Wolfram (2006): Dynamically Generated Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for Barrier-Free Web-Applications. In: Miesenberger, Klaus, Klaus, Joachim, Zagler, Wolfgang L., Karshmer, Arthur I. (eds.) ICCHP 2006 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 10th International Conference July 11-13, 2006, Linz, Austria. pp. 128-135.

Rumetshofer, Hildegard, Woß, Wolfram (2004): Tourism Information Systems Promoting Barrier-Free Tourism for People with Disabilities. In: Klaus, Joachim, Miesenberger, Klaus, Zagler, Wolfgang L., Burger, Dominique (eds.) ICCHP 2004 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs - 9th International Conference July 7-9, 2004, Paris, France. pp. 280-286.

Winkler, Michael, Woß, Wolfram (2006): Accessibility Add-on Box Enabling Barrier-Free Tourism Information Systems (TIS). In: Miesenberger, Klaus, Klaus, Joachim, Zagler, Wolfgang L., Karshmer, Arthur I. (eds.) ICCHP 2006 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 10th International Conference July 11-13, 2006, Linz, Austria. pp. 298-305.

Pühretmair, Franz, Woß, Wolfram (2008): A Flexible Concept to Establish Accessibility Information in Tourism Web-Pages. In: Miesenberger, Klaus, Klaus, Joachim, Zagler, Wolfgang L., Karshmer, Arthur I. (eds.) ICCHP 2008 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs - 11th International Conference July 9-11, 2008, Linz, Austria. pp. 981-988.

Altmanninger, Kerstin, Woß, Wolfram (2008): Accessible Graphics in Web Applications: Dynamic Generation, Analysis and Verification. In: Miesenberger, Klaus, Klaus, Joachim, Zagler, Wolfgang L., Karshmer, Arthur I. (eds.) ICCHP 2008 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs - 11th International Conference July 9-11, 2008, Linz, Austria. pp. 378-385.

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