Author: Yuan Chen
Productive Colleagues
Bagrodia, Rajive, Meyer, Richard A., Takai, Mineo, Chen, Yuan, Zeng, Xiang, Martin, Jay, Song, Ha Yoon (1998): Parssec: A Parallel Simulation Environment for Complex Systems. In IEEE Computer, 31 (10) pp. 77-85.
Chen, Yuan, Edler, Jan, Goldberg, Andrew, Gottlieb, Allan, Sobti, Sumeet, Yianilos, Peter (1999): A Prototype Implementation of Archival Intermemory. In: DL99: Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries , 1999, . pp. 28-37.
Chen, Yuan, Cohen, Jonathan D., Kumar, Subodh (2004): On the Visualization of Time-Varying Structured Grids Using a 3D Warp Texture. In: VIS 2004 - 15th IEEE Visualization 2004 Conference 10-15 October, 2004, Austin, TX, USA. pp. 17.