Author: Yutaka Kasahara
Productive Colleagues
Hara, Yoshinori, Kasahara, Yutaka (1990): A Set-to-Set Linking Strategy for Hypertext Systems. In: Lochovsky, Frederick H., Allen, Robert (eds.) Proceedings of the Conference on Office Information Systems 1990 April 25-27, 1990, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. pp. 131-135.
Kitakaze, Seiji, Kasahara, Yutaka (1987): Designing optimum CRT text blinking for video image presentation. In: Graphics Interface 87 (CHI+GI 87) April 5-9, 1987, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. pp. 1-6.
Yamahira, Takuya, Kasahara, Yutaka, Tsurutani, Tateyuki (1985): How map designers can represent their ideas in thematic maps: Effective user interfaces fo. In: Graphics Interface 85 May 27-31, 1985, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. pp. 283-290.
Yamahira, Takuya, Kasahara, Yutaka, Tsurutani, Tateyuki (1985): How map designers can represent their ideas in thematic maps. In The Visual Computer, 1 (3) pp. 174-184. https://
Hirabayashi, Fusako, Matoba, Hiroshi, Kasahara, Yutaka (1988): Information Retrieval using Impression of Documents as a Clue. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 1988, . pp. 233-244.