Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia

ACM Press
May 30 - June 03
San Antonio, Texas, USA
HyperText - ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia
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The Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia brings together scholars, researchers, and practitioners from diverse disciplines to consider the form, role and impact of hypertext and hypermedia in a forum of discussion of ideas, design and use of hypertext and hypermedia in a variety of domains. The conference also considers the transformative power of hypermedia and its ability to alter the way we read, write, argue, work, exchange information and entertain ourselves.

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Goble, Carole, Harper, Simon, Stevens, Robert (2000): The Travails of Visually Impaired Web Travellers. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 1-10. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p1-goble/p1-goble.pdf

Tzagarakis, Manolis, Karousos, Nikos, Christodoulakis, Dimitris, Reich, Siegfried (2000): Naming as a Fundamental Concept of Open Hypermedia Systems. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 103-112. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p103-tzagarakis/p103-tzagarakis.pdf

Smith, Jason McC., Stotts, David, Kum, Sang-Uok (2000): An Orthogonal Taxonomy for Hyperlink Anchor Generation in Video Streams using OvalTine. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 11-18. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p11-smith/p11-smith.pdf

Mogensen, Preben, Groenbaek, Kaj (2000): Hypermedia in the Virtual Project Room -- Toward Open 3D Spatial Hypermedia. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 113-122. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p113-mogensen/p113-mogensen.pdf

Li, Wen-Syan, Kolak, Okan, Vu, Quoc, Takano, Hajime (2000): Defining Logical Domains in a Web Site. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 123-132. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p123-li/p123-li.pdf

Mukherjea, Sougata (2000): Organizing Topic-Specific Web Information. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 133-141. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p133-mukherjea/p133-mukherjea.pdf

Modha, Dharmendra S., Spangler, W. Scott (2000): Clustering Hypertext with Applications to Web Searching. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 143-152. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p143-modha/p143-modha.pdf

Douglas, Yellowlees, Hargadon, Andrew (2000): The Pleasure Principle: Immersion, Engagement, Flow. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 153-160. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p153-douglas/p153-douglas.pdf

Kendall, Robert, Rety, Jean-Hugues (2000): Toward an Organic Hypertext. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 161-170. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p161-kendall/p161-kendall.pdf

Golovchinsky, Gene, Marshall, Catherine C. (2000): Hypertext Interaction Revisited. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 171-179. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p171-golovchinsky/p171-golovchinsky.pdf

Yoo, Joonhee, Bieber, Michael (2000): Finding Linking Opportunities through Relationship-Based Analysis. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 181-190. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p181-yoo/p181-yoo.pdf

Rutledge, Lloyd, Bailey, Brian P., Ossenbruggen, Jacco van, Hardman, Lynda, Geurts, Joost (2000): Generating Presentation Constraints from Rhetorical Structure. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 19-28. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p19-rutledge/p19-rutledge.pdf

Crampes, Michel, Ranwez, Sylvie (2000): Ontology-Supported and Ontology-Driven Conceptual Navigation on the World Wide Web. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 191-199. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p191-crampes/p191-crampes.pdf

Blustein, James (2000): Automatically Generated Hypertext Versions of Scholarly Articles and their Evaluation. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 201-210. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p201-blustein/p201-blustein.pdf

Halsey, Brent, Anderson, Kenneth M. (2000): XLink and Open Hypermedia Systems: A Preliminary Investigation. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 212-213. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p212-halsey/p212-halsey.pdf

Bompani, Luca, Vitali, Fabio (2000): Providing Hypertextual Functionalities with XML. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 214-215. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p214-bompani/p214-bompani.pdf

Bernstein, Mark (2000): More than Legible: On Links that Readers Don't Want to Follow. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 216-217. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p216-bernstein/p216-bernstein.pdf

Calvi, Licia (2000): Text and Hypertext: Always a Binary Relationship?. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 218-219. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p218-calvi/p218-calvi.pdf

Dieberger, A., Lonnqvist, Peter (2000): Visualizing Interaction History on a Collaborative Web Server. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 220-221. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p220-dieberger/p220-dieberger.pdf

Na, Jin-Cheon, Furuta, Richard (2000): Context-Aware Hypermedia in a Dynamically-CHanging Environment, Supported by a High-Level . In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 222-223. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p222-na/p222-na.pdf

Hascoet, Mountaz (2000): A User Interface Combining Navigation Aids. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 224-225. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p224-hascoet/p224-hascoet.pdf

Simonson, Jonathan, Berleant, Daniel, Bayyari, Ahmed (2000): Content Permanence via Versioning and Fingerprinting. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 226-227. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p224-hascoet/p224-hascoet.pdf

Feise, Joachim (2000): Posties: A WebDAV Application for Collaborative Work. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 228-229. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p228-feise/p228-feise.pdf

Bouvin, Niels Olof (2000): Designing User Interfaces for Collaborative Web-Based Open Hypermedia. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 230-231. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p230-bouvin/p230-bouvin.pdf

Boese, Christine (2000): Making a Successful Case for a Hypertextual Doctoral Dissertation. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 232-233. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p232-boese/p232-boese.pdf

Willerton, Chris (2000): Structure Problems in Hypertext Mysteries. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 234-235. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p234-willerton/p234-willerton.pdf

Mancini, Clara (2000): From Cinematographic to Hypertext Narrative. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 236-237. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p236-mancini/p236-mancini.pdf

Neumuller, Moritz (2000): A Semiotic Analysis of iMarketing Tools. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 238-239. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p238-neumuller/p238-neumuller.pdf

Pohl, Margit, Purgathofer, Peter (2000): Analysis of the Authoring Process of Hypertext Documents. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 240-241. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p240-pohl/p240-pohl.pdf

Mendes, Emilia, Hall, Wendy (2000): Towards the Prediction of Development Effort for Web Applications. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 242-243. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p242-mendes/p242-mendes.pdf

Chiu, Patrick, Foote, Jonathan, Girgensohn, Andreas, Boreczky, John (2000): Automatically Linking Multimedia Meeting Documents by Image Matching. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 244-245. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p244-chiu/p244-chiu.pdf

Miyasato, Tsutomu (2000): Creation of Interactive Media Content by the Reuse of Images. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 246-247. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p246-miyasato/p246-miyasato.pdf

Miyasato, Tsutomu (2000): Creation of Interactive Media Content by the Reuse of Images. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 246-247. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p246-miyasato/p246-miyasato.pdf

Thomson, Judi R., Greer, Jim, Cooke, John (2000): Generating Instructional Hypermedia with APHID. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 248-249. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p248-thomson/p248-thomson.pdf

Xu, Haiyan, Zhou, Xuehai, Ni, Jinfeng, Zhao, Zhenxi (2000): Adaptability in KDAEHS: An Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System Based on Structural Comp. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 250-251. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p250-xu/p250-xu.pdf

Carmeli, Boaz, Cohen, Benjamin, Wecker, Alan J. (2000): Personal Information Everywhere (PIE). In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 252-253. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p252-carmeli/p252-carmeli.pdf

McEneaney, John E. (2000): Navigational Correlates of Comprehension in Hypertext. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 254-255. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p254-mceneaney/p254-mceneaney.pdf

Grudin, Jonathan (2000): Irresistible Forces and Immovable Objects. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 259. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p259-grudin/p259-grudin.pdf

Lowe, David B., Larsen, Deena, Bly, Bill, Kendall, Robert, Carr, Leslie, Nurnberg, Peter J., Clark, Lawrence J. (2000): Achieving Practical Development-Merging Skill Bases. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 262-263. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p262-lowe/p262-lowe.pdf

Wiil, Uffe Kock, Nurnberg, Peter J., Hicks, David L., Reich, Siegfried (2000): A Development Environment for Building Component-Based Open Hypermedia Systems. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 266-267. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p266-wiil/p266-wiil.pdf

Larsen, Deena (2000): Providing Flexibility within Hypertext Systems: What We've Learned at HT Workshops, CyberM. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 268-269. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p268-larsen/p268-larsen.pdf

Spalter, Anne Morgan, Simpson, Rosemary M. (2000): Reusable Hypertext Structures for Distance and JIT Learning. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 29-38. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p29-spalter/p29-spalter.pdf

Pimentel, Maria da Graca, Abowd, Gregory D., Ishiguro, Yoshihide (2000): Linking by Interacting: A Paradigm for Authoring Hypertext. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 39-48. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p39-da_graca_pimentel/p39-da_graca_pimentel.pdf

Fischer, Stephan, Steinmetz, Ralf (2000): Automatic Creation of Exercises in Adaptive Hypermedia Learning Systems. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 49-55. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p49-fischer/p49-fischer.pdf

Anderson, Kenneth M., Och, Christian, King, Roger, Osborne, Richard M. (2000): Integrating Infrastructure: Enabling Large-Scale Client Integration. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 57-66. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p57-anderson/p57-anderson.pdf

Roure, David C. De, Walker, Nigel G., Carr, Leslie (2000): Investigating Link Service Infrastructures. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 67-76. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p67-de_roure/p67-de_roure.pdf

Tosca, Susana Pajares (2000): A Pragmatics of Links. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 77-84. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p77-tosca/p77-tosca.pdf

Carter, Locke M. (2000): Arguments in Hypertext: A Rhetorical Approach. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 85-91. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p85-carter/p85-carter.pdf

Millard, David E., Moreau, Luc, Davis, H. C., Reich, Siegfried (2000): FOHM: A Fundamental Open Hypertext Model for Investigating Interoperability between Hypert. In: Hypertext 00 - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia May 30 - June 03, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA. pp. 93-102. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/hypertext/336296/p93-millard/p93-millard.pdf

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