ICRE 1996

RE - IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering
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The IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference is the premier requirements engineering conference. It grew out of two alternating biennial conference series, the IEEE Symposium on Requirements Engineering and the IEEE Conference on Requirements Engineering, which formally merged in 2002.

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Goguen, Joseph A. (1996): Formality and Informality in Requirements Engineering. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 102-109. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520102abs.htm

Karlsson, Joachim (1996): Software Requirements Prioritizing. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 110-116. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520110abs.htm

Vanwelkenhuysen, Johan (1996): Quality Requirements Analysis in Customer-Centered Software Development. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 117-125. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520117abs.htm

Jones, Sara, Britton, Carol (1996): Early elicitation and definition of requirements for an interactive multimedia information. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 12-20. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520012abs.htm

Hsia, Pei, Hsu, Chih-Tung, Kung, David Chenho, Holder, Lawrence B. (1996): User-Centered System Decomposition: Z-Based Requirements Clustering. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 126-135. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520126abs.htm

Antón, Annie I. (1996): Goal-Based Requirements Analysis. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 136-144. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520136abs.htm

Cheng, Betty H. C. (1996): Where and How do Formal Methods Fit in Requirements Engineering?. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 154-156. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520154abs.htm

Macaulay, Linda A. (1996): Requirements for Requirements Engineering Technique. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 157-164. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520157abs.htm

White, Ellen A., Stump, H. Theodore, Ness, Linda A., Schultz, Derek W. (1996): Project Aurora: Dawn of a New Way. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 165-172. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520165abs.htm

Rolland, Colette, Plihon, Véronique (1996): Using Generic Method Chunks to Generate Process Models Fragments. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 173-181. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520173abs.htm

Catledge, Lara D., Potts, Colin (1996): Collaboration during conceptual design. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 182-189. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520182abs.htm

Gonzales, Regina M., Wolf, Alexander L. (1996): A facilitator method for upstream design activities with diverse stakeholders. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 190-198. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520190abs.htm

Kosters, Georg, Six, Hans-Werner, Voss, Josef (1996): Combined Analysis of User Interface and Domain Requirements. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 199-207. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520199abs.htm

DeMarco, Tom (1996): Requirements Engineering: Why Aren't We Better at It?. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 2-3. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520002abs.htm

Champion, R. E. M., Moores, Trevor T. (1996): Exploiting an enterprise model during systems' requirements capture and analysis. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 208-216. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520208abs.htm

Saeki, Motoshi, Matsumura, Kinji, Shimoda, Jun'ichi, Kaiya, Haruhiko (1996): Structuring utterance records of requirements elicitation meetings based on speech act the. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 21-30. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520021abs.htm

Nissen, Hans W., Jeusfeld, Manfred A., Jarke, Matthias, Zemanek, Georg V., Huber, Harald (1996): Requirements Analysis from Multiple Perspectives: Experiences with Conceptual Modeling Tec. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 217. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520217abs.htm

Boehm, Barry W., In, Hoh (1996): Identifying Quality-Requirement Conflicts. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 218. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520218abs.htm

Pinheiro, Francisco A. C., Goguen, Joseph A. (1996): An Object-Oriented Tool for Tracing Requirements. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 219-220. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520219abs.htm

Ohnishi, Atsushi (1996): Software Requirements Specification Database Based on Requirements Frame Model. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 221-228. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520221abs.htm

Osborne, Miles, MacNish, C. K. (1996): Processing Natural Language Software Requirement Specifications. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 229-237. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520229abs.htm

Santos, Isabel, Carvalho, João Alvaro (1996): An assessment of the applicability of object-oriented analysis to the development of infor. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 238-244. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520238abs.htm

Kosters, Georg, Pagel, Bernd-Uwe, Six, Hans-Werner (1996): GeoOOA: Object-Oriented Analysis for Geographic Information Systems. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 245-254. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520245abs.htm

Boehm, Barry W. (1996): Requirements Engineering at Age 20: Looking Back, Looking Ahead. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 255. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520255abs.htm

Takahashi, Kenji, Potts, Colin, Kumar, Vinay, Ota, Kenji, Smith, Jeffrey D. (1996): Hypermedia Support for Collaboration in Requirements Analysis. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 31-41. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520031abs.htm

Hudlicka, Eva (1996): Requirements Elicitation with Indirect Knowledge Elicitation Techniques: Comparison of Thr. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 4-11. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520004abs.htm

Brackett, John W. (1996): Ripe Fruit in Requirements Engineering: Techniques You Can Exploit NOW. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 42-43. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520042abs.htm

Lutz, Robyn R., Woodhouse, Robert M. (1996): Experience Report: Contributions of SFMEA to Requirements Analysis. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 44-51. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520044abs.htm

Bustard, David W., Dobbin, T. J., Carey, B. N. (1996): Integrating Soft Systems and Object-Oriented Analysis. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 52-59. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520052abs.htm

Hill, Mike (1996): Parasitic Languages for Requirements. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 69-75. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520069abs.htm

Pohl, Klaus (1996): PRO-ART: Enabling Requirements Pre-Traceability. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 76-85. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520076abs.htm

Nobe, C. R., Warner, William E. (1996): Lessons Learned from a Trial Application of Requirements Modeling Using Statecharts. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 86-93. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520086abs.htm

Leathrum, James F., Liburdy, K. A. (1996): A formal approach to requirements based testing in open systems standards. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 94-101. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/icre/1996/7252/00/72520094abs.htm

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