Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All

The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics - ERCIM
November 28 - December 1
Dagstuhl, Germany
UI4ALL - ERCIM Workshop on 'User Interfaces for All'
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At the core of the vision of User Interfaces for All is a mix of existing and emerging technologies, which are likely to predominate the life cycle of future user interfaces to a wide range of applications and telematic services; these interfaces must be both accessible and provide high quality interaction to potentially all users, so as to be usable by a diverse user population, including people with different cultural, educational, training and employment background, novice and experienced computer users, the very young and the elderly, and people with different types of disabilities, in various interaction contexts and scenarios of use.

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Jonsson, I-M., Scott, N. (1999): A Universally Accessible ATM or Information Kiosk. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany.

Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (1999): "Foreword". In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 1.

Gunderson, Jon (1999): Road Blocks and On Ramps to Universal Design of the WWW. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 1.

Bothe, Hans-Heinrich (1999): The Merging of Senses: Auditory-Visual Attention Control After Biological Examples. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 1.

Gea, M., Rodeiro, J. (1999): Learning from the Art: The Art on the User Interface. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 2.

Goehring, W. (1999): The Productive Information Society: A Basis for Sustainability. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 2.

Jergova, Andriana (1999): Dialogue Interface for Programming in Prolog. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 2.

Oppermann, Reinhard, Specht, Marcus, Jaceniak, Igor, Huettenhain, Ruediger (1999): Hippie: A Nomadic Information System. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 2.

Zajicek, Mary, Arnold, Albert G. (1999): The 'Technology Push' and The User Tailored Information Environment. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 6.

Mikovec, Zdenek, Slavik, Pavel (1999): Perception of Pictures Without Graphical Interface. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 6.

Marrenbach, Jorg (1999): Rapid Development and Evaluation of Interactive Systems. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 6.

Batusek, Robert, Kopeeek, Ivan (1999): User Interfaces for Visually Impaired People. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 6.

Stephanidis, Constantine, Paramythis, Alexandros, Sfyrakis, Michael (1999): Evaluating Adaptable and Adaptive User Interfaces: Lessons Learned from the Development of. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 6.

Keates, Simeon, Clarkson, John, Coy, Joanne, Robinson, Peter (1999): Universal Access in the Work-Place: A Case Study. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 7.

Truillet, Philippe, Vigouroux, Nadine (1999): Non Visual Presentation of HTML documents for Disabled and Elderly Using Extended Cascadin. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 7.

Gappa, Henrike, Mermet, Stefanie (1999): Access to Computer-Assisted Learning Environments for Severely Handicapped Children by Sem. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 8.

Kolo, Castulus, Friedewald, Michael (1999): What Users Expect from Future Terminal Devices: Empirical Results from an Expert Survey. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 9.

Stephanidis, Constantine, Akoumianakis, Demosthenes (1999): Accessibility Guidelines and Scope of Formative HCI Design Input: Contrasting Two Perspect. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 11.

Taveter, Kuldar, Lehtola, Aarno, Jaaranen, Kristina, Sorva, Juha, Bounsaythip, Catherine (1999): Ontology-Based Query Translation for Legislative Information Retrieval. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 12.

(1999): SELECT: Social and Collaborative Filtering of Web Documents and News. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 14.

Hertzum, Morten (1999): User Testing in Industry: A Case Study of Laboratory, Workshop, and Field Tests. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 14.

Totter, Alex, Stary, Chris (1999): Tailorability and Usability Engineering: A Roadmap to Convergence. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 15.

Rosis, Fiorella De, Carolis, Berardina De, Pizzutilo, Sebastiano (1999): Software Documentation with Animated Agents. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 15.

Roast, Chris, Brophy, Richard, Bowdin, Andy (1999): Finding the Common Ground for Legacy Interfaces. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 15.

Garcia, F. (1999): Towards the Generation of Tutorial Courses for Application. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 16.

Vouros, George (1999): Knowledge-Based and Layout-Driven Adaptive Information Presentations on the World Wide Web. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 16.

Cooper, Michael, Limbourg, Quentin, Mariage, Celine, Vanderdonckt, Jean M. (1999): Integrating Universal Design into a Global Approach for Managing Very Large Web Sites. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 17.

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