Author: Barry W. Boehm

Barry W. Boehm (1935) is an American software engineer, TRW Emeritus Professor of Software Engineering at the Computer Science Department of the University of Southern California, and known for his many contributions to software engineering.


Publication period start: 1996
Number of co-authors: 48


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Ye Yang
Daniel Port
Raymond J. Madachy

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Stefan Biffl
Paul Grünbacher
Victor R. Basili


Boehm, Barry W. (2008): Making a Difference in the Software Century. In IEEE Computer, 41 (3) pp. 32-38.

In, Hoh Peter, Baik, Jongmoon, Kim, Sangsoo, Yang, Ye, Boehm, Barry W. (2006): A quality-based cost estimation model for the product line life cycle. In Communications of the ACM, 49 (12) pp. 85-88.

Boehm, Barry W., Huang, LiGuo (2003): Value-Based Software Engineering: A Case Study. In IEEE Computer, 36 (3) pp. 33-41.

Boehm, Barry W., Turner, Richard (2003): Using Risk to Balance Agile and Plan-Driven Methods. In IEEE Computer, 36 (6) pp. 57-66.

Beck, Kent, Boehm, Barry W. (2003): Agility through Discipline: A Debate. In IEEE Computer, 36 (6) pp. 44-46.

Boehm, Barry W. (2002): Get Ready for Agile Methods, with Care. In IEEE Computer, 35 (1) pp. 64-69.

DeMarco, Tom, Boehm, Barry W. (2002): The Agile Methods Fray. In IEEE Computer, 35 (6) pp. 90-92.

Basili, Victor R., Boehm, Barry W. (2001): COTS-Based Systems Top 10 List. In IEEE Computer, 34 (5) pp. 91-93.

Boehm, Barry W., Basili, Victor R. (2001): Software Defect Reduction Top 10 List. In IEEE Computer, 34 (1) pp. 135-137.

Boehm, Barry W. (2000): Unifying Software Engineering and Systems Engineering. In IEEE Computer, 33 (3) pp. 114-116.

Boehm, Barry W. (2000): Requirements that Handle IKIWISI, COTS, and Rapid Change. In IEEE Computer, 33 (7) pp. 99-102.

Boehm, Barry W. (2000): The Art of Expectations Management. In IEEE Computer, 33 (1) pp. 122-124.

Boehm, Barry W. (2000): Termination Doesn\'t Equal Project Failure. In IEEE Computer, 33 (9) pp. 94-96.

Boehm, Barry W., Basili, Victor R. (2000): Gaining Intellectual Control of Software Development. In IEEE Computer, 33 (5) pp. 27-33.

Boehm, Barry W., Port, Daniel, Al-Said, Mohammed (2000): Avoiding the Software Model-Clash Spiderweb. In IEEE Computer, 33 (11) pp. 120-122.

Boehm, Barry W. (1999): Making RAD Work for Your Project. In IEEE Computer, 32 (3) pp. 113-114.

Boehm, Barry W. (1999): Managing Software Productivity and Reuse. In IEEE Computer, 32 (9) pp. 111-113.

Boehm, Barry W., Abts, Chris (1999): COTS Integration: Plug and Pray?. In IEEE Computer, 32 (1) pp. 135-138.

Boehm, Barry W., Egyed, Alexander, Kwan, Julie, Port, Daniel, Shah, Archita, Madachy, Raymond J. (1998): Using the WinWin Spiral Model: A Case Study. In IEEE Computer, 31 (7) pp. 33-44.

Boehm, Barry W. (1988): A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement. In IEEE Computer, 21 (5) pp. 61-72.

Boehm, Barry W. (1987): Improving Software Productivity. In IEEE Computer, 20 (9) pp. 43-57.

Boehm, Barry W., Penedo, M. H., Stuckle, E. Don, Williams, Ronald D., Pyster, Arthur B. (1984): A Software Development Environment for Improving Productivity. In IEEE Computer, 17 (6) pp. 30-44.

Boehm, Barry W., Standish, Thomas A. (1983): Software Technology in the 1990\'s: Using an Evolutionary Paradigm. In IEEE Computer, 16 (11) pp. 30-37.

Boehm, Barry W., Abi-Antoun, Marwan, Port, Daniel, Kwan, Julie, Lynch, Anne (1999): Requirements Engineering, Expectations Management, and the Two Cultures. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering RE 99 7-11 June, 1999, Limerick, Ireland. pp. 14-22.

Lee, Keun, Boehm, Barry W. (2005): Empirical results from an experiment on value-based review (VBR) processes. In: ISESE 2005 - International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering 17-18 November, 2005, Noosa Heads, Australia. pp. 3-12.

Boehm, Barry W., Bhuta, Jesal, Garlan, David, Gradman, Eric, Huang, LiGuo, Lam, Alexander, Madachy, Raymond J., Medvidovic, Nenad, Meyer, Kenneth, Meyers, Steven, Pérez, Gustavo, Reinholtz, Kirk, Roshandel, Roshanak, Rouquette, Nicolas (2004): Using Empirical Testbeds to Accelerate Technology Maturity and Transition: The SCRover Exp. In: ISESE 2004 - International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering 19-20 August, 2004, Redondo Beach, CA, USA. pp. 117-126.

Boehm, Barry W., Brown, A. Winsor, Madachy, Raymond J., Yang, Ye (2004): A Software Product Line Life Cycle Cost Estimation Model. In: ISESE 2004 - International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering 19-20 August, 2004, Redondo Beach, CA, USA. pp. 156-164.

Boehm, Barry W., Port, Daniel, Yang, Ye, Bhuta, Jesal, Abts, Chris (2003): Composable Process Elements for Developing COTS-Based Applications. In: ISESE 2003 - International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering 30 September - 1 October, 2003, Rome, Italy. pp. 8-17.

Chen, Yue, Boehm, Barry W., Madachy, Raymond J., Valerdi, Ricardo (2004): An Empirical Study of eServices Product UML Sizing Metrics. In: ISESE 2004 - International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering 19-20 August, 2004, Redondo Beach, CA, USA. pp. 199-206.

Phongpaibul, Monvorath, Boehm, Barry W. (2006): An empirical comparison between pair development and software inspection in Thailand. In: Travassos, Guilherme Horta, Maldonado, José Carlos, Wohlin, Claes (eds.) ISESE 2006 - International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering September 21-22, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. pp. 85-94.

Huang, LiGuo, Boehm, Barry W. (2005): Determining how much software assurance is enough? A value-based approach. In: ISESE 2005 - International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering 17-18 November, 2005, Noosa Heads, Australia. pp. 172-181.

Grünbacher, Paul, Halling, Michael, Biffl, Stefan, Kitapci, Hasan, Boehm, Barry W. (2003): Repeatable Quality Assurance Techniques for Requirements Negotiations. In: HICSS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 23.

Chen, Yue, Boehm, Barry W., Sheppard, Luke (2007): Value Driven Security Threat Modeling Based on Attack Path Analysis. In: HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 280.

Kitapci, Hasan, Boehm, Barry W. (2007): Formalizing Informal Stakeholder Decisions--A Hybrid Method Approach. In: HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 283.

Yang, Da, Wu, Di, Koolmanojwong, Supannika, Brown, A. Winsor, Boehm, Barry W. (2008): WikiWinWin: A Wiki Based System for Collaborative Requirements Negotiation. In: HICSS 2008 - 41st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 7-10 January, 2008, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 24.

Wu, Di, Yang, Da, Koolmanojwong, Supannika, Boehm, Barry W. (2009): Experimental Evaluation of Wiki Technology and the Shaper Role in Rapid Interdisciplinary . In: HICSS 2009 - 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 5-8 January, 2009, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 1-9.

Boehm, Barry W. (1996): Requirements Engineering at Age 20: Looking Back, Looking Ahead. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 255.

Boehm, Barry W., In, Hoh (1996): Identifying Quality-Requirement Conflicts. In: ICRE 1996 , 1996, . pp. 218.

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