Author: Kai-Christoph Hamborg


Publication period start: 2011
Number of co-authors: 16


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Frank Ollermann
Kai Kaspar
Günther Gediga

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Rainer Wessler
Ivo Duntsch
Marc Hassenzahl


Hamborg, Kai-Christoph, Bruns, Martina, Ollermann, Frank, Kaspar, Kai (2012): The effect of banner animation on fixation behavior and recall performance in search tasks. In Computers in Human Behavior, 28 (2) pp. 576-582.

Kaspar, Kai, Ollermann, Frank, Hamborg, Kai-Christoph (2011): Time-dependent changes in viewing behavior on similarly structured web pages. In Journal of Eye Movement Research, 4 (2) pp. 1-16.

Kaspar, K., Hamborg, Kai-Christoph (2010): Die Effektivität formativer Evaluation bei der Entwicklung gebrauchstauglicher .... In Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 54 (1) pp. 29-38.

Hamborg, Kai-Christoph, Vehse,, Brigitte, Bludau, Hans-Bernd (2004): Questionnaire Based Usability Evaluation of Hospital Information Systems. In Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 7 (1) pp. 21-30.

Gediga, Gunther, Hamborg, Kai-Christoph, Duntsch, Ivo (1999): The IsoMetrics Usability Inventory: An Operationalization Of ISO 9241-10 supporting summat. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 18 (3) pp. 151-164.

Moranz, Claudia, Hamborg, Kai-Christoph, Gediga, Günther (2001): Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Evaluation einer natürlichsprachlichen Bibliothekssoftwa. In: Oberquelle, Horst, Oppermann, Reinhard, Krause, Jürgen (eds.) Mensch and Computer 2001 March 5-8, 2001, Bad Honnef, Germany.

Hamborg, Kai-Christoph (2002): Gestaltungsunterstützende Evaluation von Software: Zur Effektivität und Effizienz des IsoM. In: Herczeg, Michael, Oberquelle, Horst (eds.) Mensch and Computer 2002 September 2-5, 2002, Hamburg, Germany.

Hamborg, Kai-Christoph, Hassenzahl, Marc, Wessler, Rainer (2001): Gestaltungsunterstützende Methoden für die benutzer-zentrierte Softwareentwicklung. In: Oberquelle, Horst, Oppermann, Reinhard, Krause, Jürgen (eds.) Mensch and Computer 2001 March 5-8, 2001, Bad Honnef, Germany.

Hamborg, Kai-Christoph, Schulze, Leonore, Sendfeld, Melanie (2007): Mensch-Computer Interaktion: Von der Arbeitsmittel- zur Arbeits- und Organisationsgestaltu. In: Gross, Tom (eds.) Mensch and Computer 2007 September 2-5, 2007, Weimar, Germany. pp. 199-208. https://

Gediga, Günther, Hamborg, Kai-Christoph (1999): IsoMetrics: An usability inventory supporting summative and formative evaluation of softwa. In: Bullinger, Hans-Jorg (eds.) HCI International 1999 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 22-26, 1999, Munich, Germany. pp. 1018-1022.

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