Author: Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia


Publication period start: 2007
Number of co-authors: 13


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
José Avelino Placca
Licinio Roque
Cristiano Maciel

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Carlos Jose Pereira de Lucena
Raquel Oliveira Prates
Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza


Prates, Raquel Oliveira, de Souza, Clarisse Sieckenius, Garcia, Ana Cristina Bicharra (1997): A Semiotic Framework for Multi-User Interfaces. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 29 (2) pp. 28-39.

Garcia, Ana Cristina Bicharra, Kunz, John, Fischer, Martin (2004): Cutting to the chase: improving meeting effectiveness by focusing on the agenda. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW04 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2004, . pp. 346-349.

Maia, Antonio Carlos Pereira, Lucena, Carlos Jose Pereira de, Garcia, Ana Cristina Bicharra (1995): A Method for Analyzing Team Design Activity. In: Proceedings of DIS95: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 1995, . pp. 149-156.

Garcia, Ana Cristina Bicharra, Ciuffo, Leandro Neumann (2005): Applying the HYRIWYG Incentive Mechanism in a Recommender System. In: Skowron, Andrzej, Agrawal, Rakesh, Luck, Michael, Yamaguchi, Takahira, Morizet-Mahoudeaux, Pierre, Liu, Jiming, Zhong, Ning (eds.) 2005 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI 2005 19-22 September, 2005, Compiegne, France. pp. 770-773.

Maciel, Cristiano, Garcia, Ana Cristina Bicharra (2006): DemIL: an online interaction language between citizen and government. In: Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2006, . pp. 849-850.

Garcia, Ana Cristina Bicharra, Lopes, Anderson, Seidel, Cristiana Bentes (2001): AGILE: Intelligent Agents to Assits Electronic Auction. In: ICEIS 2001 , 2001, . pp. 1174-1178.

Garcia, Ana Cristina Bicharra, Marques, Eduardo (2003): Web Navigation Patterns. In: ICEIS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 212-217.

Placca, José Avelino, Garcia, Ana Cristina Bicharra (2001): A Multiagent System Applied to the Design of Petroleum Off-Shore Platforms. In: ICEIS 2001 , 2001, . pp. 311-314.

Maciel, Cristiano, Garcia, Ana Cristina Bicharra (2007): Modeling of a Democratic Citizenship Community to Facilitate the Consultative and Delibera. In: Cardoso, Jorge, Cordeiro, José, Filipe, Joaquim (eds.) ICEIS 2007 - Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems Volume EIS June 12-16, 2007, Funchal, Portugal. pp. 387-394.

Maciel, Cristiano, Roque, Licinio, Garcia, Ana Cristina Bicharra (2007): Measuring the e-Participation in Decision-Making Processes through Online Surveys. In: Cordeiro, José, Filipe, Joaquim (eds.) ICEIS 2008 - Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems Volume 2 June 12-16, 2007, Barcelona, Spain. pp. 426-434.

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