Author: Anne Balsamo
- Maribeth Back
- Mark Chow
- Rich Gold
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Productive Colleagues
- Steve Harrison
- Kate Ehrlich
- Austin Henderson
- 31
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Harrison, Steve, Minneman, Scott, Back, Maribeth, Balsamo, Anne, Chow, Mark, Gold, Rich, Gorbet, Matt, Donald, Dale Mac, Ehrlich, Kate, Henderson, Austin (2001): Design: the what of XFR: eXperiments in the future of reading. In Interactions, 8 (3) pp. 21-30. Citation
Harrison, Steve, Minneman, Scott, Balsamo, Anne (2001): Methods & tools: how to XFR: "eXperiments in the future of reading". In Interactions, 8 (3) pp. 31-41. Citation
Back, Maribeth, Gold, Rich, Balsamo, Anne, Chow, Mark, Gorbet, Matthew G., Harrison, Steve R., MacDonald, Dale, Minneman, Scott L. (2001): Designing Innovative Reading Experiences for a Museum Exhibition. In IEEE Computer, 34 (1) pp. 80-87.