Author: Scott Minneman


Publication period start: 1999
Number of co-authors: 25


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Karon Weber
John C. Tang
Steve Harrison

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Austin Henderson
Gordon Kurtenbach
Thomas P. Moran


Back, Maribeth, Cohen, Jonathan, Gold, Rich, Harrison, Steve, Minneman, Scott (2001): Listen Reader: An Electronically Augmented Paper-Based Book. In: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel, Jacob, Robert J. K. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2001 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 31 - April 5, 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 23-29.

Harrison, Steve, Minneman, Scott, Back, Maribeth, Balsamo, Anne, Chow, Mark, Gold, Rich, Gorbet, Matt, Donald, Dale Mac, Ehrlich, Kate, Henderson, Austin (2001): Design: the what of XFR: eXperiments in the future of reading. In Interactions, 8 (3) pp. 21-30. Citation

Harrison, Steve, Minneman, Scott, Balsamo, Anne (2001): Methods & tools: how to XFR: "eXperiments in the future of reading". In Interactions, 8 (3) pp. 31-41. Citation

Meyer, Jon, Glassner, Andrew, Minneman, Scott, Naimark, Michael, Staples, Loretta (1998): Artists and Technologists Working Together. In: Mynatt, Elizabeth D., Jacob, Robert J. K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 01 - 04, 1998, San Francisco, California, United States. pp. 67-69.

Moran, Thomas P., Palen, Leysia, Harrison, Steve, Chiu, Patrick, Kimberg, Daniel Y., Minneman, Scott, Melle, William van, Zellweger, Polle T. (1997): "I'll Get That Off the Audio": A Case Study of Salvaging Multimedia Meeting Records. In: Pemberton, Steven (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 97 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 22-27, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. pp. 202-209.

Moran, Thomas P., Chiu, Patrick, Harrison, Steve, Kurtenbach, Gordon, Minneman, Scott, Melle, William van (1996): Evolutionary Engagement in an Ongoing Collaborative Work Process: A Case Study. In: Olson, Gary M., Olson, Judith S., Ackerman, Mark S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 1996 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work November 16 - 20, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts, United States. pp. 150-159.

Minneman, Scott, Bly, Sara A. (1991): Managing a trois: A Study of a Multi-User Drawing Tool in Distributed Design Work. In: Robertson, Scott P., Olson, Gary M., Olson, Judith S. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 91 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 28 - June 5, 1991, New Orleans, Louisiana. pp. 217-224.

Tang, John C., Minneman, Scott (1991): VideoWhiteboard: Video Shadows to Support Remote Collaboration. In: Robertson, Scott P., Olson, Gary M., Olson, Judith S. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 91 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 28 - June 5, 1991, New Orleans, Louisiana. pp. 315-322.

Tang, John C., Minneman, Scott (1991): VideoDraw: A Video Interface for Collaborative Drawing. In ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 9 (2) pp. 170-184.

Tang, John C., Minneman, Scott (1990): VideoDraw: A Video Interface for Collaborative Drawing. In: Carrasco, Jane, Whiteside, John (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 90 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference , 1990, Seattle, Washington,USA. pp. 313-320.

Bly, Sara A., Minneman, Scott (1990): Commune: A Shared Drawing Surface. In: Lochovsky, Frederick H., Allen, Robert (eds.) Proceedings of the Conference on Office Information Systems 1990 April 25-27, 1990, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. pp. 184-192.

Harrison, Steve, Minneman, Scott, Stults, Bob, Weber, Karon (1990): Video: A Design Medium. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 21 (3) pp. 86-90.

Harrison, Steve, Minneman, Scott, Stults, Bob, Weber, Karon (1989): Video: A Design Medium. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 21 (2) pp. 62-66.

Minneman, Scott, Harrison, Steve (1999): The DrawStream station: a tool for distributed and asynchronous chats about sketches and a. In: , 1999, . pp. 221-225.

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