Author: Bruno Defude


Publication period start: 2010
Number of co-authors: 15


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Javier Enrique Rojas Moreno
Ramzi Farhat
Thierry Delot

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Hervé Martin
Amel Bouzeghoub
Mohamed Jemni


Damier, Christophe, Defude, Bruno (1988): The Document Management Component of a Multimedia Data Model. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 1988, . pp. 451-464.

Martin, Hervé, Adiba, Michel E., Defude, Bruno (1993): Consistency Checking in Object Oriented Databases: a Behavioral Approach. In: Finin, Timothy W., Nicholas, Charles K., Yesha, Yelena (eds.) Information and Knowledge Management - First International Conference - CIKM92 November 8-11, 1993, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. pp. 53-68. https://

Bouzeghoub, Amel, Defude, Bruno, Ammour, Salah, Duitama, John-Freddy, Lecocq, Claire (2004): A RDF Description Model for Manipulating Learning Objects. In: Looi, Chee-Kit, Sutinen, Erkki, Sampson, Demetrios G., Aedo, Ignacio, Uden, Lorna, Kähkonen, Esko (eds.) ICALT 2004 - Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 30 August - 1 September, 2004, Joensuu, Finland.

Defude, Bruno, Farhat, Ramzi (2005): A Framework to Design Quality-Based Learning Objects. In: ICALT 2005 - Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 05-08 July, 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. pp. 23-27.

Defude, Bruno, Delot, Thierry, Martini, Jose-Luis Zechinelli, Cenerario, Nicolas, Ilarri, Sergio (2008): Extraction de connaissances dans les réseaux ad hoc inter-véhicules. In: Proceedings of the 2008 French-speaking conference on Mobility and ubiquity computing , 2008, . pp. 17-20.

Defude, Bruno, Delot, Thierry, Zekri, Dorsaf (2009): Résumé de flux d'événements dans les réseaux inter-véhiculaire. In: Proceedings of the 2009 French-speaking conference on Mobility and ubiquity computing , 2009, . pp. 53-60.

Farhat, Ramzi, Defude, Bruno, Jemni, Mohamed (2010): Checking Semantic Consistency of SCORM like Learning Objects. In: ICALT 2010 - 10th IEEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 5-7 July, 2010, Sousse, Tuneisa. pp. 163-167.

Moreno, Javier Enrique Rojas, Defude, Bruno (2010): Learning Styles and Teaching Strategies to Improve the SCORM Learning Objects Quality. In: ICALT 2010 - 10th IEEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 5-7 July, 2010, Sousse, Tuneisa. pp. 414-416.

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